Created by: Mnbaa CO

Downloaded: 8k times

Nashr SEO is wordpress plugin that help you by simple and fast way to optimize your wordpress web site for search engines and social media websites
Nashr Supports: Google, Ping, Alexa, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Yandex ..


  1. Search engine optimization : Google, Ping, Etc …
    • Title
    • Description
    • Keywords
    • Robots
    • Google+ auther
  2. Social media optimization : Facebook, Twitter, Google+ .
    • Title
    • Type
    • Image
    • Description
    • Twitter card
    • Facebook author
  3. General settings
    • Posts and pages the plugin will work on
  4. Social media settings
    • Facebook site name
    • Facebook application id
    • facebook admin id
    • twitter user id
  5. Web master tool settings : Google, Alexa, Ping, Pinterest, Yandex .
    • Google webmaster tool
    • Alexa verification ID
    • Bing webmaster tool
    • Pintrest verivication
    • Yandex webmaster tool
  6. categories , custome taxonomies and archives
    • all meta tags for all categories and taxonomies and archive pages
    • stand alone configuration for every archive
    • Open graph from to all archives , categories and taxonomies
  7. Front page auto detecting
    • support tage for index page sperated from statice front page

Supported meta tags

  • title
  • description
  • keywords
  • robots
  • author
  • og:title
  • og:type
  • og:image
  • og:description
  • og:locale
  • og:url
  • og:site_name
  • og:updated_time
  • article:published_time
  • article:modified_time
  • fb:app_id
  • fb:admins
  • twitter:creator
  • twitter:card
  • google-site-verification
  • alexaVerifyID
  • msvalidate
  • p:domain_verify
  • yandex-verification


  • English
  • Arabic

If you have made a translation and want to contribute with it to Nashr SEO, please e-mail us.


  • screenshot-1.png SEO meta content (title,description, ect..)
  • screenshot-2.png social media optimization(facebook,twitter,google +)
  • screenshot-3.png post types tha plugin work on
  • screenshot-4.png facebook and twitter settings
  • screenshot-5.png webmaster tools setings


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