NGG Smart Image Search NGG Smart Image Search

NGG Smart Image Search

Created by: Harald Röh

Downloaded: 8k times

NGG Smart Image Search will provide a highly customizable search and display functionality for images in NextGEN Galleries. Search results can be displayed in various layouts including all original NextGEN galleries.

You find more infos and examples on the plugin website.

An image search will be carried out across title, description, filename and tags (as configured per widget or shortcode) of all images in arbitary selectable NextGEN search galleries. There are two search modes available. The basic search mode will look for images which satisfy at least one of the search terms (logical or). The extended search mode will look for images which satisfy all search terms (logical and).

The search result list can be displayed in various ways.

  • you can use any of the native NextGEN Galleries to display the search result list.
  • you can also use any of the NextGEN Pro / Plus Galleries with all their features including ecommerce.
  • you can use any available NextGEN Gallery settings.
  • you can use single image lists providing additional image meta data.
  • you can use an advanced thumbnail list which is independant of NextGEN Gallery code.
  • you can sort the search result list in various ways.
  • you can use paging for long search result lists.

You can enter search strings via widgets or shortcodes. You can use complex predefined searches to display an almost arbitrary collection of NextGEN Gallery images. You can dynamically switch the search mode or the display mode between searches. Searches can be configured differently for public users or for logged in (private) users.

For an extended documentation see qualified search examples or display search result list.

The new version 3 of the plugin is a major update of version 2 with many new functionalities and some optimization and error corrections.


  • widget display for search definition
  • single image search result list
  • advanced thumbnails search result list
  • settings page
  • shortcode default parameters for public users
  • shortcode default parameters for logged in users


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