NGP Forms

Created by: signalfade

Downloaded: 2k times

This plugin helps you integrate NGP (NGP VAN) donation, signup, and volunteer forms with your site. You’ll need an SSL certificate running on your site if you want to use the donation portion of this plugin.

This plugin does not work with the new NGP Action Platform.

Alert No. 1!

This plugin does not work with NGP’s recently released “NEW” platform. I think they call it the “Action” platform, but it’s unclear.

Alert No. 2!

You should be running your site under an SSL certificate if you utilize this plugin for donations.


Place this short tag on the appropriate page or article:


You can set custom amounts for the donation amount in two ways:

  1. Put the amounts in the embed tag: [ngp_show_donation amounts="50,250,1000"]
  2. Put the amounts in a GET querystring:,250,1000

If you want to have a default donation amounts, put them in the embed tag and then override it with a querystring amounts when you need to.

You can source an article in two ways:

  1. Put source in the embed tag: [ngp_show_form source="hard-hitting-ad"]
  2. Put the source in a GET querystring:

If you want to have a default donation source, put it in the embed tag and then override it with a querystring source when you need to.

You can set custom thanks URL for the donation process by putting the url in the embed tag:

[ngp_show_donation thanks_url="/thanks-for-your-donation"]

The donations thanks URL defaults to: /thank-you-for-your-contribution

You can turn off the custom amount field:

[ngp_show_donation custom_amt_off="true"]<h3>Careful!</h3>

If you turn off the custom amount field and you’re using the Donation Invite form, you’ll have constituents entering amounts that can’t be found in the form and don’t have a chance of getting placed in a custom amount field!

Donation Suggested jQuery

We use the following on our donation pages to make sure that the user understands that the radio buttons and the input field are for the same thing. If the user doesn’t support javascript and the custom field holds a value, it always overrides whatever’s selected in the radio buttons.

$('.ngp_custom_dollar_amt').keyup(function() {
    if($(this).val()!='') { $('.Amount').attr('checked', false); }
$('.Amount').mouseup(function() {

You can set custom thanks URL for the donation process by putting the url in the embed tag:

[ngp_show_volunteer thanks_url="/thanks-for-your-work-pledge"]

The volunteer thanks URL defaults to: /thank-you-for-volunteering


You can set custom thanks URL for the email signup process by putting the url in the embed tag:

[ngp_show_signup thanks_url="/thanks-for-signing-up-for-incessant-emails"]

The email signup thanks URL defaults to: /thank-you-for-signing-up

Signup Extensive Options

Signup can make use of the COO API, if you happen to have credentials for that particular NGP API endpoint. This API allows you to send in less comprehensive data for signups.

You can find the three necessary pieces of information for configuring the plugin to use the COO API on the General Setting page.

When you’ve configured the plugin to use the COO API, you can specify what fields you want the signup embed tag to use. You must specify at least Phone or Email.

[ngp_show_signup fields="Name|Email|Phone|Zip"]

Be aware that this data will end up in your NGP consituents database without any other accompanying information if a match cannot be made to existing data.

[ngp_donation_invite_form url=”/donate”]

You must set the url that the donation invite form heads to. It must be a relative URL.

If you want to have a donation source appended to the linked URL, put it in the embed tag:

[ngp_donation_invite_form url="/donate" source="invite-form"]

If you absolutely must have this invite form set custom amounts on your donation form, do it like this:

[ngp_donation_invite_form url="/donate/?amounts=10,20,30,40,50"]



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