
Created by: WPManageNinja

Downloaded: 869 times

A lightweight, expressive query builder for WordPress. NInjaDB use the same $wbdp instance and methods, It will help you to write $wpdb queries easily and expressively. At least PHP 5.3 is required.

It has some advanced features like:
– Query Like Laravel Basic Queries
– Where, orWhere methods
– Search data in all the columns or specific columns
– Easily Implement Pagination
– use insert, update or delete methods expressively.

The syntax is quite similar to Laravel’s query builder.

Simple Query:

The query below returns the row where id = 3, null if no rows.

$row = ninjaDB('my_table')->find(3);

Full Queries:

$query = ninjaDB('my_table')->where('post_author', '=', 1);  // for equal you can just use where('post_author, 1);
// Get result as array of objects

Full Usage API

### Initiate

// Select a table
$query = ninjaDB()->table('post');  // post is the table name without prefix;

OR You can pass your table name as an argument

// Select a table
$query = ninjaDB('my_table');  // post is the table name without prefix;<h3>Query</h3>

Get Easily

The query below returns the (first) row where id = 3, null if no rows.

$row = ninjaDB('my_table')->find(3);

Access your row like, echo $row->name. If your field name is not id then pass the field name as second parameter ninjaDB('my_table')->find(3, 'author_id');.

The query below returns the all rows as array of objects where author_id = 3, null if no rows.

$result = ninjaDB('my_table')->findAll('author_id', 3);


$query = ninjaDB('my_table')->select('*');

Multiple Selects

->select(array('myfield1', 'myfield2', 'amyfield3'));

Using select method multiple times select('a')->select('b') will also select a and b. Can be useful if you want to do conditional selects (within a PHP if).

Get All

Return an array of objects.

$query = ninjaDB('my_table')->where('author_id', 1);
$result = $query->get();

You can loop through it like:

foreach ($result as $row) {
    echo $row->name;

Get First Row

$query = ninjaDB('my_table')->where('author_id', 1);
$row = $query->first();

Returns the first row, or null if there is no record. Using this method you can also make sure if a record exists. Access these like echo $row->name.

Get Rows Count, MAX, MIN, AVerage, SUM

$query = ninjaDB('my_table')->where('author_id', 1);
$count = $query->count();
$max = $query->max('views'); // Where `views` is the column name and all these will return integer / float
$min = $query->min('views');
$avg = $query->avg('views');
$avg = $query->avg('views');
$sum = $query->sum('views');


Basic syntax is (fieldname, operator, value), if you give two parameters then = operator is assumed. So where('name', 'jewel') and where('name', '=', 'jewel') is the same.

    ->where('name', '=', 'jewel')
    ->whereNot('age', '>', 25)
    ->orWhere('description', 'LIKE', '%query%');


    ->whereIn( 'id', array(1,2,3) ) 

Limit and Offset


// or you can use aliases

Order By

->orderBy('id', 'ASC');


$data = array(
    'name' => 'Jewel',
    'description' => 'Hello, There'
$insertId = ninjaDB('my_table')->insert($data);

insert() method returns the insert id. optionally you can pass $format of your data as `->insert($data, $format);` where `$format` is  an array of formats to be mapped to each of the value in $data

Batch Insert

$data = array(
          'name' => 'Jewel',
        'description' => 'Hello, There'
        'name'        => 'Adre',
        'description' => 'Hello, I am Adre Astrian'
$insertIds = ninjaDB('my_table')->batch_insert($data);

In case of batch insert, it will return an array of insert ids.


$data = array(
    'name' => 'Shahjahan Jewel',
    'description' => 'Hello, There'

ninjaDB('my_table')->where('id', 5)->update($data);

Will update the name field to Shahjahan Jewel and description field to Hello, There where id = 5.


ninjaDB('my_table')->where('id', '>', 5)->delete();

Will delete all the rows where id is greater than 5.

If you find any typo or extend any functionality then please edit and send a pull request.


  • [ ] join()
  • [x] whereIN()
  • [ ] whereNotIN()
  • [ ] whereBetween
  • [ ] whereNotBetween
  • [ ] Having
  • [ ] GroupBy
  • [x] selectDistinct

If you would like to implement any of the TODO please feel free to do and do a pull request

And, finally, consider to contribute to this plugin here.



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