NMR jsGrid NMR jsGrid

NMR jsGrid

Created by: Mircea N.

Downloaded: 1k times

Add jsGrid http://js-grid.com tables to your website using the shortcode: [nmr_jsgrid id='your-grid-name'].

Data grids or tables have configurable number of columns, filters, edit, update and delete functionalities.
Configuration of grids is performed on the admin back-end.
Tables can be paginated and need back-end pagination. Ajax calls help to avoid entire page reload.

Example of a toy back-end pagination:

add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_sample_pagination', function () {
    // assume HTTP GET for this example
    $data = $_GET;
    global $wpdb;
    $sql_base = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT umeta_id, meta_key FROM {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta");
    $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ({$sql_base}) t");
    $itemsCount = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
    $pageIndex = intval($data['pageIndex']);
    if ($pageIndex < 1) {
        $pageIndex = 1;
    $pageSize = intval($data['pageSize']);
    if ($pageSize < 1) {
        $pageSize = 20;
    $endIndex = $pageIndex * $pageSize;
    $startIndex = $endIndex - $pageSize;
    $limit = "LIMIT {$pageSize} OFFSET {$startIndex}";
    $sql = "SELECT t.* FROM ({$sql_base}) t {$limit}";
    wp_send_json(json_encode(['data' => $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A), 'itemsCount' => $itemsCount]));

Having prepared the back-end to provide paginated data, the front-end data-grid cand be built in the Admin->NMR jsGrids interface.
Add a row and set the column values accordingly.
Please consult the documentation for more details:

  • Name will be used as DOM id for the data-grid
  • URL back-end endpoint, usually https://your-website.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
  • Action should be sincronized with back-end. In our example Action=sample_pagination taken from: wp_ajax_nopriv_sample_pagination
  • Fields JSON array of columns as text. In our example could be:
    [{“name”: “umeta_id”,”title”: “Id”,”type”: “number”},{“name”: “meta_key”,”title”: “Key”,”type”: “text”}]
    For a complete list of possible columns check the documentation
  • Height could be auto, a percent like 80%, a number: 400
  • Width same as above
  • Paging, Editing, Sorting, Autoload, Deleting, Filtering, Inserting, Page size are self explanatory: allow pagination, editing, sorting, auto-loading, deleting, filtering and inserting of data. Page size determines the number of rows in one page.
  • Pager format can have a value of: Rows: {itemCount} – Pages: {first} {prev} {pages} {next} {last}    {pageIndex} of {pageCount}
  • Page buttons 5 is a good choice

Plugin will enqueue nmr-jsgrid.js javascript file.
To use the plugin on the Admin module one should add the Admin slug/hook in the filter: nmr_jsgrid_admin_enqueue_scripts

add_filter('nmr_jsgrid_admin_enqueue_scripts', function ($admin_php_files) {
    // NMR jsGrid will be available in Admin->My page->My subpage
    $admin_php_files[] = 'admin-my_page_admin-my_subpage';
    return $admin_php_files;

If you enjoy using NMR JSGrid and find it useful, please consider making a donation. Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin’s continued development and better user support.

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