EASY-JS-WPAPI Client HANDLE for the WordPress REST-API EASY-JS-WPAPI Client HANDLE for the WordPress REST-API

EASY-JS-WPAPI Client HANDLE for the WordPress REST-API

Created by: Oluwasegun Somefun

Downloaded: 2k times

Short Description

  • Easily talk with the WordPress REST-API to access and display your WordPress (model) data without
    rest-authentication errors when creating Javascript Themes for consistent views by all users/clients accessing
    your WordPress site.

Description and Features

  • We chose the bundled node-wpapi isomorphic Javascript client, because it is the simplest way to get up and running
    quickly to display live website data in your installed WordPress website, using a Javascript-controlled Theme or Plugin

  • The WEB Landscape is changing. Today, we can use Javascript to build WordPress Themes. WordPress becomes our Model,
    which we can theme with Javascript using the WordPress REST-API.

  • This plugin was developed to make life easy for web developers who which to create full-fledged
    Javascript WordPress Themes OR Javascript-PHP WordPress Themes using a Javascript Framework/Library like:
    jQuery, React, OpenUI5, et.c. for use in a WordPress installation with the wpapi.js rest-client.

  • It relies on the node-wpapi isomorphic javascript client to access the WP REST-API. The problem with accessing
    the REST-API using javascript-clients is the headache of authentication issues and private data access, which can
    hamper fluid display of the web-page, leading to rest-errors when using Javascript to display the data.
    This plugin works under the hood and makes the javascript-client object, ‘wp’ that interfaces with the WP REST-API
    globally accessible for direct and easy use in a javascript(.js) file under the scope of a WordPress installation.

  • It handles three authentication use cases: admin user, non-admin user and for a client from inside a WP installation.
    Say your WordPress website url is e.g: http://talker-test.com or http://localhost:8080
    WordPress switches to Cookie WP Authentication for switched to when an administrator is currently logged in to
    the WordPress installation. Basic WP-Authentication is switched to when a Client accesses your WordPress website
    When an authenticated non-admin user, like an Author or Subscriber is currently logged in to your website,
    it displays data using Basic WP-Authentication.

  • We then make the WPAPI global as a globally scoped javascript object, wp,
    for use in a WordPress Installation to talk with the WP REST-API on the go.

  • So, with added ease, you can start building your next Javascript Themes for WordPress, or accessing the WP REST-API
    So start coding and talking with the WordPress REST-API and display consistent, unhindered data,
    as you permit to all your clients, and users.

  • See Demo WP Installation that shows how this plugin is used to display live website data from the WordPress REST-API
    In it we created a sample JS-controlled WordPress theme using jQuery and the ‘wp’ object provided by our bundled
    javascript client, which our plugin has made globally scoped and authenticated.

  • For more info. and examples, you can check out the documentation
    of the node-wpapi javascript client at wp-api.org/node-wpapi


  • Go to https://somefunagba.github.io/easyjs-wpapi-rest-client-handle/
  • Click on the Demo link: Download a sample zipped Javascript Theme and a .xml import file.
  • Copy the theme to your Local WordPress Themes directory and Activate it.
  • If your WP installation has no posts or a single post. Import the downloaded .xml posts
  • Go to your site-url homepage e.g: http://localhost:8080/
  • You should see a demo Blog/News themed website.[Demo Website Image]
  • Inside the Theme folder, You can play with this theme’s index.js and footer.js files.


  • STEP4_01: Basic WP-Authentication Settings: No Input
  • STEP4_02: Basic WP-Authentication Settings: Incorrect User or Incorrect Admin User Details
  • STEP4_03: Basic WP-Authentication Settings: Correct Dummy Admin User Details
  • STEP6_01: Console display when an admin is logged in and views the website
  • STEP6_02: Console display when other users are logged in and view the website
  • STEP6_03: Console display when a client views the website


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