NoSSL – protect your website

Created by: Smart In Media (c)2014

Downloaded: 958 times

NoSSL is an open-source software to encrypt the data sent between browser and webserver to protect it from hackers, internet service providers and spies.
As a WordPress plugin, i0t will protect your login forms, contact forms and posts.

While NoSSL is not a replacement for SSL-certificates it is a lot better than using no SSL / security at all.

Millions of great websites do not provide any protection for their login or contact forms. When website visitors enter confidential information like names, e-mail addresses and passwords, these informations are transmitted openly between web browsers and web servers. Anyone with a connection on the same network could grab these informations and impersonate the user not only on this website but sometimes on other websites, too as many people use the same passwords for multiple websites. Even simple contact forms can offer valuable information to criminals.

SSL is a good way to encrypt the data between the web browser and web server. However, SSL certificates come with some disadvantages like tedious installation, high yearly costs and the need for an individual IP address.

NoSSL offers a simple way to protect the traffic between browser and server by using strong encryption protocols. The setup for the protection of your website forms is easy and done in a few well-documented steps. You can download NoSSL for free here and try the beta-version for free. However, you cannot use the beta-version in productive websites yet as there may still be a lot of bugs and security flaws.



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