Notification – Custom Notifications and Alerts for WordPress Notification – Custom Notifications and Alerts for WordPress

Notification – Custom Notifications and Alerts for WordPress

Created by: BracketSpace

Downloaded: 306k times

Custom Notifications and Alerts without a hassle. Notify anyone about any action in your WordPress. With powerful Merge Tags, you can endlessly customize your messages. Set unlimited Notifications in your WordPress Admin via the beautiful and intuitive interface within 5 minutes.


Now, with this plugin, you can easily disable default WordPress emails and replace them with your own. To do that you can use our awesome Wizard which will guide you through the process.


The Notification plugin is built with three main components:

  • Trigger – a WordPress action, ie. User registration or Post publication
  • Carrier – the thing which is being sent, ie. Email or Push
  • Merge Tag – dynamic content, ie. {user_email} or {post_permalink}

You can use them in any combination, adding as many Notifications as you want. They can be sent to multiple Recipients with the content you write.

The process is simple:

  • You select the Trigger
  • Compose your message with Merge Tags
  • Set Recipients
  • Save the Notification

From now on the Notification is working. Test it out and add more!


The Notification plugin is easy to set in the WordPress Admin, but it’s even easier to extend with some sweet API.

You can create your own Triggers with any WordPress action. If you do in your code do_action( 'my_plugin_doing_awesome_thing' ) you can create a Trigger out of it.

This allows you to use the Notification plugin as a notification system in your own plugin or theme. How? Well, because of two things:

  • You can easily load it by copying the plugin files and including load.php file. A function known from Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
  • You can white label the plugin with just one function which is shipped in the plugin’s core. For free.

How easy extending the Notification plugin is? Let’s see:

  • Adding another Merge Tag to existing trigger – 1 line of code
  • Creating custom Trigger – one intuitive class definition and registration with a single method call
  • Defining Global Merge Tag – 1 line of code
  • Creating new Extension – we have a Boilerplate ready for you to start hacking

See the developer documentation if you don’t believe us.


  • Email
  • Webhook
  • Webhook JSON


The plugin comes with few registered by default recipient types for Email Carrier:

  • Email address or Merge Tag – free type email address or a Merge Tag
  • Administrator – takes an email from General Settings page
  • User – takes an email from WordPress user profile
  • Role – notify all Users having selected role at once


These are already defined in plugin’s core and are ready to use. You can enable or disable them on the Settings page.


  • Available updates – sent as often as you set them, ie. every week

Post Type:

  • Published post notification
  • Post added to database notification
  • Post drafted (saved as a draft) notification
  • Updated post notification
  • Post send for review (pending post) notification
  • Post approved (pending to publish) notification
  • Post moved to trash notification

The Notification plugin supports any Custom Post Type out of the box.

Taxonomy terms:

  • Taxonomy term created notification
  • Taxonomy term updated notification
  • Taxonomy term deleted notification

The Notification plugin supports any Taxonomy out of the box.

Comment / Pingback / Trackback:

  • New comment notification
  • Comment replied notification
  • Comment approved notification
  • Comment unapproved notification
  • Comment marked as spam notification
  • Comment moved to trash notification


  • User registered notification
  • User profile updated notification
  • User logged in notification
  • User failed to log in notification
  • User logged out notification
  • User password reset request notification
  • User password changed notification
  • User deleted notification


  • Media added notification
  • Media updated notification
  • Media deleted notification


  • Plugin activated notification
  • Plugin deactivated notification
  • Plugin installed notification
  • Plugin removed notification
  • Plugin updated notification


  • Theme installed notification
  • Theme switched notification
  • Theme updated notification


  • Available updates notification


  • Personal Data erased notification
  • Personal Data erase request notification
  • Personal Data exported notification
  • Personal Data export request notification

Feel free to suggest new core triggers in the support forum.

Each Trigger has own set of Merge Tags but you can use the Global Merge Tags anywhere.


Along the Trigger specific Merge Tags, you can use the below anywhere:

  • Site homepage URL – {home_url}
  • Site title – {site_title}
  • Site tagline – {site_tagline}
  • Site theme name – {site_theme_name}
  • Site theme version – {site_theme_version}
  • Current WordPress version – {wordpress_version}
  • Admin email – {admin_email}
  • Trigger name – {trigger_name}
  • Trigger slug – {trigger_slug}


  • Conditionals – send Notifications in certain conditions
  • Custom Fields – use any meta value in your Notifications
  • Slack – post messages to Slack channel
  • Push – send push notifications via browser’s native system
  • Discord – post messages to Discord channel
  • Twilio – send bulk SMS messages from your Twilio registered phone number
  • Scheduled Triggers – schedule your notifications based on events time
  • Review Queue – catch your Notifications into queue for a manual review
  • WooCommerce – triggers specific to WooCommerce
  • Pushbullet – send Push and SMS Notifications via your phone
  • Pushover – send Push messages to devices registered in Pushover
  • SendGrid – send emails using SendGrid service
  • Mailgun – send emails using Mailgun service
  • File Log – save Notifications as file logs on the server
  • bbPress – bbPress triggers
  • BuddyPress – BuddyPress triggers and integration with their notification system
  • Signature – add a signature to all your emails automatically
  • AppPresser – push messages to your mobile app built with AppPresser
  • Email Attachments – attach files to your notification

Coming soon – vote for the extensions


  • Overwriting default WordPress Emails
  • Post publication notification to the post author
  • Custom comment approved notification to post author and administrator
  • User logged in notification to the administrator
  • Notification about removed user account



BracketSpace – the company behind this plugin provides custom WordPress plugin development services. We can create any custom plugin for you.


  • Trigger edit screen
  • All triggers
  • Settings
  • Extensions
  • Help tab with global Merge Tags
  • Wizard
  • Default email disabler


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