NS Featured Posts NS Featured Posts

NS Featured Posts

Created by: Nilambar Sharma

Downloaded: 101k times

NS Featured Posts

This plugin adds checkboxes for each list item. You can easily check/uncheck the Featured flag. Checking the Featured will set the meta value yes for meta key _is_ns_featured_post. You can choose which post types you want Featured functionality from plugin settings.

Using in theme

This plugin only sets/unsets the meta key for assigned posts. You need to implement it in your theme to get Featured functionality.


$query = new WP_Query( array( 'meta_key' => '_is_ns_featured_post', 'meta_value' => 'yes' ) );

This will fetch the list of posts that are checked as Featured.

Want to see how this can be used in a Page Template?
Click this link to see an example


  • Admin Settings page
  • Example of featured in Post listing


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