
Created by: Andy Whalen

Downloaded: 1k times

Creates a log file for network/multisite super admin actions.

The following actions are logged for Super Admin users. WordPress action names are listed in parenthesis:

  • change network settings (update_site_option)
  • grant super admin privileges (granted_super_admin)
  • revoke super admin privileges (revoked_super_admin)
  • upgrade blog (wpmu_upgrade_site)
  • add blog (wpmu_new_blog)
  • set blog archived (archive_blog/unarchive_blog)
  • set blog deleted (make_delete_blog/make_undelete_blog)
  • set blog mature (mature_blog/unmature_blog)
  • set blog spam (make_spam_blog/make_ham_blog)
  • delete blog (delete_blog)
  • delete user (wpmu_delete_user)
  • delete user (deleted_user)
  • change other user’s settings (edit_user_profile_update) [NOTE: doesn’t show diff]
  • change blog setting (updated_option) [NOTE: may occasionally log annoyingly large diffs]

The following actions are logged for ANY user:

  • login (wp_login)
  • logout (wp_logout)
  • new user (user_register)

Some actions that change data will show what the value was before and after.

Below is an example of a log entry when the user ‘smith’ has changed the Network site name from “WP Local Network” to “WP Local Networks”:

[Tue, 03 Sep 2013 13:45:49 +0000] [smith:1] [update_site_option] [1] [site_name] [(WP Local Network)->(WP Local Networks)] [] 

Each line in the log file will roughly follow the below example. Individual actions may log slightly different information, but the DATETIME, USERNAME, USER_ID, ACTION, and IP_ADDRESS sections should always be populated.




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