
Created by: Nicolás Alliaume @ ON Lab

Downloaded: 604 times

ONSubscriptionBox is a very simple subscription box for WordPress. When a person submits the subscription, the admin of the site receives an email.

How to use it

Simply add the shortcode ‘[on_subscription_box]’ to any post or page content and the box will appear like magic.


Just jQuery.


The shortcode allows some parameters to customize it: – subject : the subject of the email sent to the admin user – label : the label (text) that is used on the subscribe button – placeholder : the placeholder to use on the email text input – class : one or more classes (separated by spaces, for example, ‘box_1 fun_box’) to add to the subscription box

For example:

  • [on_subscription_box subject=”New follower”] : sends an email with subject ‘New follower’

  • [on_subscription_box label=”Follow”] : The button of the subscription box says ‘Follow’

Further customization

You’re welcome to do any further customization on the php file directly.



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