One Call is a helper or extension of WP REST API. To get featured image details, Categories lits, Tags list, Custom fields & Author detials by single rest api response One Call is giving a you post fileds filter options with custom rest api prefix such as ‘test-api’ where ‘wp-json’ is default.By default wp rest api does not give featured image, tags names, categories name & author details etc and to get them you have to call another rest api for each term which slow down the procedures. One Call is the solution to speed up rest api call in this case.

The key features of One Call API are-

  • Custom and back end control rest api prefix such as ‘test-api’ where ‘wp-json’ is default to initially secure the api call.
  • Get different reponse for list posts and single post responses.
  • For posts list (multiple) call, you can control ‘one_call’ fields from back end.
  • WordPress Posts fields filtering options from backend for posts litst (loop of Posts).


  • To go configure page of 'One Call - WP REST API Extension'.
  • To configure  and saveing the options.
  • Response with out One Call request.
  • Response with One Call request.


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