Opace Essential SEO Toolkit Opace Essential SEO Toolkit

Opace Essential SEO Toolkit

Created by: Opace Web Design

Downloaded: 2k times

The Opace Essential SEO Toolkit is an invaluable WordPress plugin to aid all SEO professionals, developers and businesses in auditing their website. The plugin comprises of a suite of third-party external tools, which will help users to analyse, assess and improve the SEO and search engine visibility of their pages, posts or other post types.

The Essential SEO Toolkit is a very powerful suite of tools used by Opace everyday and will be particularly beneficial in roles such as SEO, Web Development and Digital Marketing (as well as many others too). There is no charge for this tool, so why not download it, there is nothing to lose and a lot to gain!

As with any toolkit, there are a range of tools – each of which when used helps to get a different part of the job done! The tool when opened will use the current URL as its default (this can be changed) and will provide speedy data viewing for the website selected.

In our latest version, we have added some new features. More on this below.

Admin Settings

The settings can be modified from the Opace Essential SEO Toolkit plugin installation screen or under “Settings” in the admin panel.
The default landing screen is called “Sources”, where you will see all of the default sources added by the plugin.

By scrolling to the bottom, you will see a section called “Add New Source” where you can add new sources add your own additional SEO tools to the plugin. In the makeup of the URL, you can use three tags, which will be replaced by the current page’s URL markup:

  • [%scheme%] – The scheme identifies the protocol to be used to access the resource on the Internet. It can be HTTP (without SSL) or HTTPS (with SSL).
  • [%host%] – The host name identifies the host that holds the resource. For example, www.yoursite.com.
  • [%path%] – The path identifies the specific resource in the host that the web client wants to access. For example, /tags/news/

Remember to click “Save Changes” once you have finished. From here, you can click the “Categories” option at the top and add new categories or remove categories as needed.

By clicking the “Settings” option, you can select which WordPress post types you would like to use this plugin on. The list here is automatically generated to include the default post types and any custom post types you have created.

Using the Plugin

When you have configured the Opace Essential SEO Toolkit settings as needed, you can then go to one of your posts or pages and use the plugin.

In the right hand admin panel of the post type in question you will see the Essential SEO Toolkit meta box. Click on any of your categories to dropdown the list of sources. Click on any source to load it with the current post type URL.

The tools enclosed are divided into five default categories and provide support for numerous areas of social media and SEO.

SEO & Traffic Tools

Three tools, which have a traffic emphasis but are also valuable for SEO analysis too:

  • a) Alexa – access to traffic intelligence from Alexa, a suite of SEO tools to analyse any websites traffic
  • b) SERanking – a suite which includes in excess of 35 inbuilt tools for SEO and traffic analysis tasks
  • c) SEMRush – access to the powerful functionality and intelligence of SEMRush including SEO, social media, PPC as well as video research information

Speed Tools

Speed and performance are critical in modern day websites for user experience and website ranking, use these tools to gain an edge:

  • a) Pingdom Tools – a tool suite which monitors the availability of s site as well as provides information about speed and performance
  • b) GT Metrix – see the PageSpeed and YSlow scores and analyse how to make improvements
  • c) Google PageSpeed Insights – discover Google’s PageSpeed rating for a page and work through suggestions on how to improve speed

Audit Tools

These tools provide a range of audit capabilities which once actioned will dramatically impact the effectiveness of a site and its ranking(s):

  • a) WooRank – use the tool to perform a website review whilst also giving the ability to identify new keywords
  • b) Nibbler (Silktide) – essentially this is a tool for testing areas of compliance as well as SEO performance, social media effectiveness and accessibility, etc.
  • c) SEOptimer – learn the grade of a website and use the tool to reveal ways in which the grade can be improved
  • d) SiteChecker – over 100 different criteria reported in an audit, includes areas such as content optimisation, images, SEO, speed and backlinks, etc.

Backlinks Tools

Backlinks are an important part of ranking, use these tools to analyse any websites backlinks:

  • a) Majestic – a well-known suite providing backlink intelligence for your own and competitors websites
  • b) Ahrefs – comprehensive suite of tools, including backlinks analysis, content research and suggestions, keyword research and much more!
  • c) Moz Link Explorer – a suite of tools from world-famous Moz providing competitor research and link analyse insight

Social Shares Counters

These tools provide rapid analysis of the social media influence for a URL:

  • a) Social Shares Count Checker – a tool which simply reports the shares on social media for a URL
  • b) Count Checker – a similar tool, which shows shares as well as the number of comments and likes across a number of social media websites

User Experience

Check various user-experience related aspects of your website or web page:

  • a) Google Mobile-Friendly Test – a tool which will reports on whether your URL passes Google’s mobile-friendly test
  • b) Responsinator – a related tool, which shows how your URL will actually appear on different devices and screen resolutions so you can quickly check how a user will see your page or post
  • c) Think With Google Test – this reports on a range of aspects of your URL in particular relating to page speed metrics and load times

Technical SEO

Tools to assess various factors related to technical SEO (on-site SEO) including your content and markup:

  • a) Copyscape Duplicate Content Checker – a tool to check whether you URL contains any content duplicated from elsewhere on Web
  • b) Google Structured Data Testing Tool – evaluate your code to check for opportunities to add structured data and rich snippets
  • c) Siteline Crawler – assess the internal content of your site for duplicate content, broken links and more
  • d) XML Sitemap Generator – automatically generate an XML Sitemap for your domain

Why download this tool?

Well we have already shared a few of the reasons above, but if you are still looking for reasons, read our list below:

  • One place – there’s only one place to go, to find frequently used tools in one place
  • Free – always a good quality, the tool is totally FREE to use!
  • New tools – we frequently add new tools and will inform you as we do
  • Quick to install – follow the installation process explained earlier and the toolkit is yours in just 2-3 minutes
  • Quick to removal – it’s just as quick to remove (just 2 minutes), if you ever decide you don’t need the toolkit
  • Reduced bookmarking – reduce “bookmark clutter”, store your favourite SEO tools all inside here!
  • Saves time – they say: “time is money”, so save yourself lots of time every day with these tools, we do here at Opace!
  • Updated and new versions – we will strive to keep our plugin up-to-date, compliant and full of new features as and when requested.


  • The Essential SEO Toolkit Metabox
  • Adding a new source
  • Adding a new category
  • Plugin settings
  • Example test result using the Google Mobile Friendly Test
  • Example test result using GT Metrix


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