Opal Woo Custom Product Variation Opal Woo Custom Product Variation

Opal Woo Custom Product Variation

Created by: WPOPAL

Downloaded: 615 times

Opal Woo Custom Product Variation add-on plugin is a powerful extension for the WooCommerce platform, designed to enhance the online shopping experience for customers. With the ability to create flexible custom fields, this plugin provides a unique way to tailor products and meet the diverse needs of customers.


1. Create Dynamic Option Fields: This extra product option plugin supports following form elements

  • Text input field
  • Number input field
  • Radio field
  • Checkbox field
  • Select input field
  • Textarea field
  • Hidden input field
  • Upload Field
  • Paragraph (p) tag
  • Header (h) tag, H1-H6
  • Color picker field
  • Color Option
  • Image Option
  • Button Option
  • Image Group
  • True/False field

2. Allow adding prices for each option within each field.

3. Allow using condition to show/hide any field by other fields.

4. Benefits:

  • Creates unique and interactive products for shoppers.
  • Improves sales performance and enhances the user experience.
  • Facilitates easy and flexible integration with any WooCommerce interface.

Opal Woo Custom Product Variation plugin not only improves the interactivity of your WooCommerce store but also opens up creative opportunities for online advertising and sales.


  • Admin: List form page
  • Admin: Edit form page
  • Admin: Form's settings
  • Admin: Global settings page
  • Frontend: Form render in add to cart form


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