Optimize More! – Images Optimize More! – Images

Optimize More! – Images

Created by: Arya Dhiratara

Downloaded: 6k times

A lightweight yet powerful image, iframe, and video optimization plugin. Lazy load, preload, and more. No jquery dependency.


  • Lazy Load – Lazy loading images, iframes, and videos, using the high performant lazysizes.js. No jquery dependency.
  • Preload Featured Images – Automatically preloading featured image from common page/post (homepage, pages except homepage, single post, and woocommerce single product pages).
  • Use CDN for Images – HTML rewrite if you want to serve images from your favorite CDN.
  • Add Missing Image Dimensions – Add missing width and height attributes from your images.

New (since 1.1.1)

  • Add no-lazy and skip-lazy class as default exclude class for lazyloading images.
  • Enable loading eager to also target no-lazy and skip-lazy class.
  • Automatically exclude featured image (add no-lazy class) from lazyloading if Preload Featured Images feature is enabled (useful to avoid Largest Contentful Paint image was lazily loaded warning in Google Pagespeed Insights ).
  • Add webp extension to CDN HTML rewrite regex.

New (since 1.0.7)

  • We changed the lazy load library from lozad.js to lazysizes.js.
  • Add field to modify lazysize default configuration. Read the docs.
  • Add fields to specify width and height fallback value if the Add Missing Image Dimensions feature failed to get the actual image dimension.

New (since 1.0.3)

  • Lazy load CSS Background Images – Load faster by lazy loading background images from the CSS background-image property. Tested and works well on CSS background image from GenerateBlocks, Elementor, and Oxygen Builder.
  • Noscript Fallback – Extra option to use <noscript> fallback for lazy images and iframes.
  • Add Loading Eager – Extra option to Automatically add loading=eager to the lazy load excluded list.

This plugin only adds 1 extra row in your database. And it will self delete upon uninstalation.

About Lazysizes

Lazysizes is highly performant lazy load library, written by Alexander Farkas in pure JS with no dependencies.

Taken from lazysize’s github description:
High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.

Optimize More!

Need to optimize more? Try our WordPress Speed Optimization’s Service.


  • Optimize More! – Selectively Optimize your CSS/JS Delivery: Load CSS Asynchronously, Delay CSS and JavaScripts until User Interaction, Preload Critical CSS and JavaScripts, and Remove Unused CSS and JavaScripts Files.

  • Lazyload, Preload, and more! – A simplified version of this plugin. The plugin size is only around 14kb zipped. Without UI for settings, but you can customize the settings using filters.
    The default configuration is the best for optimizing images and other media files to speed up your site (just install and activate it and you’re good to go):

    • lazyload your below the fold images/iframes/videos,
    • preload your featured images,
    • and add loading=”eager” to your featured image and all images that have no-lazy or skip-lazy class.


  • Shop Extra – A lightweight plugin to optimize your WooCommerce & Business site: Floating WhatsApp Chat Widget (can be use without WooCommerce), WhatsApp Order Button for WooCommrece, Hide/Disable WooCommerce Elements, WooCommerce Strings Translations, and many more.

  • Animate on Scroll – Animate any Elements on scroll using the popular AOS JS library simply by adding class names. This plugin helps you integrate easily with AOS JS library to add any AOS animations to WordPress. Simply add the desired AOS animation to your element class name with “aos-” prefix and the plugin will add the corresponding aos attribute to the element tag.


  • Lazy Loading Media Files (Image Tags, Inline Background Images, CSS Background Images, Iframes, Videos)
  • Preload Featured Images, useful to bypass critical image render blocking issue
  • Use CDN for your images, useful to decrease server load
  • Add missing image dimension (width and height attributes)


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