Organized Contacts

Created by: NikolayS93

Downloaded: 712 times

Plugin will add customizer settings and [company] shortcode.
Company shortcode has attrs:
“id” (for muliple contacts) may be:
primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, fivefold, company_6, company_7, company_8.. etc..

"field" may be
    name, image, address, numbers, email, time_work, socials

"filter" (default as 'the_content')
    Set none for disable default filter

    The some custom html

    The some custom html

for example:
[company id=”secondary” field=”address” filter=”none” before=”Our address:”]
for muliple, or
[company field=”email”]
for primary only

for custom fields use:
new CDevelopers\Contacts\CustomControl(‘handle’, array(
‘type’ => ‘text’, // wp_customizer default types
‘label’ => ”, // Any title
‘Custom_Control’); // Set personal preregistred control classname



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