PasswordleSSI PasswordleSSI


Created by: Sideos GmbH

Downloaded: 255 times

This plugin allows passwordless login for Worpdress using SSI as a decentralized technology. Sideos has deployed a proxy service for you to use with your WordPress Instance. If you wish to use your own server, check the documentation on how to deploy your own SSI service integration.
Here you can see a document that explain step by step how to do it

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Passwordless login for Worpress powered by Self Sovereign Identity and Sideos Gmbh


  • Adds a QRCode on the login page to scan for log in
  • Ability to send credentials to users, using their email as ID
  • Ability to give credentials based on the domain e.g. email-domain is the key to allow login
  • Ability to disable completely the username/password submission to avoid possible brute force attacks
  • Ability to enable-disable username/password via http post secure call

Disable Username/Password submit

The plug in has a checkbox that when checked, disable the submission of the login page. This is useful to allow only login via the PasswordleSSI plugin. If you want to enable the feature back, you can use the REST API endpoint, and use the Juno Token as a header token to reset the status. After the call you can login again with Username/Password.

The CURL command is the following:
curl -d ‘{}’ -H “X-Token: ” -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST /wp-json/sideos-ssi/v1/enable“
Replace with the token you have in the options, and with the instance of your WordPress website.


  • Login page
  • Juno SSI settings
  • Send Credential to Users


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