PatternsWP – Gutenberg Block Patterns & Page Templates Library PatternsWP – Gutenberg Block Patterns & Page Templates Library

PatternsWP – Gutenberg Block Patterns & Page Templates Library

Created by: PatternsWP

Downloaded: 2k times

A library of WordPress block patterns and full-page templates

PatternsWP is an innovative WordPress plugin that enhances your website design process with its intuitive Block Patterns Library.

PatternsWP is a collection of pre-designed gutenberg block patterns that can be used with any WordPress theme, allowing users to easily build professional websites in minutes. With the flexibility to add multiple patterns to a post or page, PatternsWP offers a speedy and effective solution for creating stunning page layouts.

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Block Pattern Types

  • Header Section Patterns
  • Hero Section Patterns
  • Features Section Patterns
  • Testimonials Section Patterns
  • FAQ Section Patterns
  • Pricing Section Patterns
  • Customer Logos Section Patterns
  • Gallery Section Patterns
  • Team Section Patterns
  • CTA Section Patterns
  • Statistic Section Patterns
  • Footer Section Patterns
  • Utility Patterns
  • Full Page Templates


At PatternsWP, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. PatternsWP accesses block patterns and categories from our servers through a custom API. By activating the PatternsWP plugin, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.


  • One-click Access To Ready-made Block Patterns Library
  • Tons of Block Patterns That Works With Any Block Themes
  • Search the Library, Select Patterns With One Click, and Use Them on Your WordPress Site


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