Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam

Created by: Peter Keung

Downloaded: 62k times

Stop a lot of spambots from polluting your site by making visitors identify a random word displayed as an image before commenting and optionally before registering. You can customize the pool of words to display.


  • Toggle whether registered users need to enter the word

  • Random font display

  • No cookies required

  • No JavaScript required

  • Auto-generated audio for visually impaired users

  • Easy-to-read

  • No mapping of words from the code — words are used once or removed after 24 hours

  • Reminder of what was entered if you get the word wrong

  • Selective blocking of trackbacks, pingbacks

  • Easy to translate

  • Compatible with caching plugins


  • Purposely no obscuring techniques so that the anti-spam word is easy to read

  • The more people who use this plugin, the more motivation for spambots to target it


  • GD Library and FreeType Library (There’s a diagnostic page to tell you whether you have them installed. If needed, just ask your web host to install them!)

  • WordPress 3.2 or higher


  • ru_RU translation by koc
  • sk_SK translation by Patrik Žec (PATWIST) of



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