PG Simple Affiliate Shop creates a simple store on your site for managing both products with customised reviews and simple banner advertisements.

As an affiliate marketer you know that keeping your product pages up to date for customers and managing those long affiliate links can be time consuming. Make the process easier by letting the Simple Affiliate Shop handle the formatting and uploading for you.


  • Attach testimonials, descriptions and images to the products you are promoting on your site
  • Use the same product information for a banner as well as a product or an inline image
  • Drag and drop into any order you like
  • Categorise products and display different types on different pages
  • Easy upload images using the standard WordPress media uploader
  • Keeps all uploaded images separate from other WordPress images for easy maintenance
  • Easily use SEO tools like WordPress SEO by Yoast to improve visibility on search engines
  • Simple to customise text for buy now buttons and whether to display buttons in banners
  • Use shortcodes from other plugins in most fields

If you can assist with providing a translation for this plugin then please contact me via the Peoples Geek website

This plugin is in no way associated with, clickbank, amazon, webgains, commission junction, Rakuten linkshare or any affiliate company. It simply allows you to format the links from any source in a way that is easy to manage and present to your website visitors


  • The 'Edit/New product' page
  • The 'All products' page
  • The shortcut in a standard page to create the shop
  • The shortcut in a text widget to create the banner
  • The resulting shop
  • The new shortcode helper/button in the editor


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