Phraseanet WordPress Client Phraseanet WordPress Client

Phraseanet WordPress Client

Created by: Alchemy

Downloaded: 1k times

This plugin creates the possibility to get and add assets from Phraseanet server into your WordPress website.
This plugin allows you to create a Phraseanet Gutenberg block with various custom configurations that allows you to customize the block the way you want.

Customizations block settings

  1. Block title – You can customize the block title by adding a custom title in the block settings.
  2. Collections – You can choose the collections you want to display in the block.
  3. Query – You can add your custom query to the block.
  4. Define displayed facets – You can define the facets you want to display in the block.
  5. Preview details – Fields that will display on the preview Eg. title,keyword,city.
  6. Sub defination maping – You can map the sub defination to the fields you want to display on the thumb and preview.

Customizations block UI settings

Preview assets UI settings

  1. Overlay – This option allows you to preview the asset in a modal .
  2. Sidebar – This option allows you to preview the asset in a sidebar.

Image Grid layout settings

  1. Classic – This option allows you to display the assets in a classic rectangular grid.
  2. Masonry – This option allows you to display the assets in a masonry grid (like instagram grid).

Masonry style settings

  1. Auto – Auto detect the image layout type (portrait and landscape) and render the image accordingly
  2. Random – Randomly renders the image layout


  • Admin - Block view with customizing options.
  • Front-End view of the block with facets sidebar.
  • Front-End view of the block without facets sidebar.
  • Auth settings.
  • UI and number of results per page settings.
  • Adding a Requester.
  • Configure the requester.
  • (New) Subdefination mapper to easily manage and map fields.
  • Color Picker for preview Details (key and value)
  • Mix and match colors of the phraseanet block with your theme.


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