Picture grabber, resizer and cropper

Created by: Fabrizio Zellini

Downloaded: 5k times

Picgrab is a plugin that download, resize and crop an image on the fly.
Simply add the “resize” attribute in the img tag you want to grab & resize on your post.

<img src=”http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3532/3243887563_700849f242.jpg” resize=”402×200c;66y” />
Once activated, the plugin replaces the attribute “src” on img tags containing the “resize” attribute with something like:

http://yoursite/wp-content/plugins/picgrab/resize.php?url=<coded characters>&size=<coded characters>
and removes the “resize” attribute.

The resize.php script included with plugin does the work to grab, crop and resize the image.
It also manages the cache.
The resize attribute format is:


e.g. 100x, x200, 100×50, 100×200c50, 100×200c

Refer to This post for more informations on resizer syntax.

PicGrab require Php version >=8, gd and curl libraries.



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