Pinz Pinz


Created by: SolidRock Studio

Downloaded: 774 times

Pinz is a simple way to pin/place any kind of post or page anywhere on your website.

One great plus of Pinz is that it works on any theme !

  • Think for a second that you want to place a contact form ‘here’, directly on your hompage.
    But with the specific theme you are using, you just can’t. You will have to go into the code… (argh!!)
  • Or maybe, you want to put a temporary message on you website. Let’s say, at the end of all your post/page.
    Or maybe at the top you website… well…

In other words, Pinz allows you to bypass all themes limits and keep it simple !

The basics of Pinz

In your WordPress admin area, locate «Pinz» on the left in the navigation bar. You will see Pinz’ simple introduction page (or launcher).

How Pinz Works

Pinz allow to place any page/post anywhere on your website. First, you will have to choose where.
Then, a name that place. Once it’s done, edit a post or page and choose on the pinz metabox the name you have just created.

In simple words :

  • Let’s say, you want to add a welcome message after your banner
  • The plugin will allow you to name that place. We call this place a : Pinz
  • Now, while editing a post/page, choose the Pinz’ name you have just named
  • Refresh your website.
  • You will see the result !


  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png
  • screenshot-3.png


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