Paid Memberships Pro – Zapier Add On

Created by: Paid Memberships Pro

Downloaded: 20k times

Integrate activity on your membership site with thousands of other apps via Zapier (requires Paid Memberships Pro). Extended documentation can be found at

Our Zapier integration includes the following triggers and actions to send information to Zapier and connect with third-party apps. A “Trigger” will send data to Zapier when changes are made on your Membership site. An “Action” will process incoming data when a change is sent to your Membership site via Zapier and a connected third-party app.


New Order

Updated Order

Changed Membership Level

After Checkout


When creating the Action component of a Zap, use the webhook URL provided on the Actions tab of the PMPro Zapier settings and pass in parameters matching those given below.


The following parameters can be passed into the add_member Action:

  • user_email (required)
  • level_id (required)
  • user_login
  • full_name
  • first_name
  • last_name

Note that user_email and level_id are required parameters; you must also pass in at least one of user_login, full_name, first_name, or last_name.


The following parameters can be passed into the change_membership_level Action:

  • user_id
  • user_email
  • user_login
  • level_id (required)

Note that level_id is a required parameter; you must also pass in at least one of the following user identifiers is also required: user_id, user_email, or user_login.


The following parameters can be passed into the add_order Action:

  • user_id
  • user_email
  • user_login
  • level_id
  • subtotal
  • tax
  • couponamount
  • total
  • payment_type
  • cardtype
  • accountnumber
  • expirationmonth
  • expirationyear
  • status
  • gateway
  • gateway_environment
  • payment_transaction_id
  • subscription_transaction_id
  • affiliate_id
  • affiliate_subid
  • notes
  • checkout_id
  • billing_name
  • billing_street
  • billing_city
  • billing_state
  • billing_zip
  • billing_country
  • billing_phone


The following parameters can be passed into the update_order Action:

  • order, order_id, code, or id (required)
  • user_id
  • user_email
  • user_login
  • level_id
  • subtotal
  • tax
  • couponamount
  • total
  • payment_type
  • cardtype
  • accountnumber
  • expirationmonth
  • expirationyear
  • status
  • gateway
  • gateway_environment
  • payment_transaction_id
  • subscription_transaction_id
  • affiliate_id
  • affiliate_subid
  • notes
  • checkout_id
  • billing_name
  • billing_street
  • billing_city
  • billing_state
  • billing_zip
  • billing_country
  • billing_phone


The following parameters can be passed into the has_membership_level Action:

  • user_id
  • user_email
  • user_login
  • level_id (required)

Note that level_id is a required parameter; you must also pass in at least one of the following user identifiers is also required: user_id, user_email, or user_login.



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