Post Attachment Sizes

Created by: Tyler Bailey

Downloaded: 612 times

This plugin provides an additional sortable column in the wp-admin Posts screen that allows you to sort the posts by total size of all attachments. If your post has 10 images attached, the number shown will be the total file size of all 10 images added together. This is useful for WordPress websites with a lot of photo galleries.


  1. Simply install the plugin and activate using the directions above. The sortable wp-admin column will be added automatically.
  2. You can also use the shortcode provided to return the file sizes. Usage is as follows:
    • [pas_display_post_size post_id=false single=false return="both"]
      • post_id = The post ID (if single = true then use the attachment ID) [OPTIONAL]
      • single = Set to true if you only want the size of ONE attachment (MUST set the post_id to the attachment ID if this is true)
      • return = Default both: returns both the raw byte size of the file AND the formatted value.
        • Use byte to return JUST the byte value.
        • Use formatted to return JUST the formatted file size



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