Post Avatar Post Avatar

Post Avatar

Created by: Vicky Arulsingam

Downloaded: 87k times

Allow authors to select an image from a pre-defined list while in the Post Editor screen. This image will be displayed together with a post.

Post Avatar is similar in concept to Livejournal userpics wherein authors choose images uploaded by the site owner. Developed with Dominik Menke.


  • Easy selection of images from within the Post Editor screen.
  • Scans images in sub-directories of the image option folder.
  • Allows the following file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and .png.
  • Flexible with customizing avatar display.
    • Display avatars using the default HTML/CSS tags.
    • HTML/CSS tags can be edited from with the Settings screen.
    • Use template tags and custom filters within themes for advanced customization.
  • International language support for Belorussian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish
  • Does not display missing images.
  • Can be further extended to show images for pages and custom post types

Bug Submission and Forum Support

WordPress Forum

Post Avatar home page

Please Vote and Review

Your votes and feedback are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Advanced Customization

For Front End Display

By default, the plugin hooks into the following filters: the_content() and the_excerpt().


The gklpa_the_postavatar filter takes two parameters:

  1. $post_avatar_text – Original HTML display

  2. $post_avatar – Post Avatar data in array format. The keys are:

    avatar_url: The URL to the image        
    show_image_dim: 1 indicates to show image dimensions, 0 to hide them                
    image_height: integer value of image height or null if image dimensions is turned off               
    image_width: integer value of image width or null if image dimensions is turned off             
    post_id: ID of current post             
    post_title: Post title for the image attribute              
    image_name: Image file name

Example: Display a default image if no avatar is selected

This example makes use of the HTML/CSS settings defined by the site admin.

    add_filter( 'gklpa_the_postavatar', 'prefix_show_default_image', 10, 2 );
    function prefix_show_default_image( $post_avatar_html, $post_avatar_array ){
        global $post, $gklpa_plugin_settings;

        // Display default image;
        if( is_null( $post_avatar_array ) ){
            if( !empty( $gklpa_plugin_settings['css_class'] ) {
                $css = 'class="' . $gkl_plugin_settings['css_class']. '"';
            $post_avatar_html = $gklpa_plugin_settings['html_before' ] . '<img '. $css . ' src="" alt="' . esc_attr(strip_tags($post->post_title) ) . '" />'. $gklpa_plugin_settings['html_after'];
        return $post_avatar_html;


If you want to change the HTML completely or override the option to display avatars automatically, use the remove_filter() like so:
remove_filter(‘the_content’, ‘gkl_postavatar_filter’, 99 );
remove_filter(‘the_excerpt’, ‘gkl_postavatar_filter’, 99 );

You can then define your own the_content filter function that makes use of the gkl_postavatar() or gkl_get_postavatar() functions

You will need to use the function gkl_get_postavatar() which takes the post object and returns the array of post avatar information.

  1. $post_avatar_array – Post Avatar data in array format. The keys are:

    avatar_url: The URL to the image
    show_image_dim: 1 indicates to show image dimensions, 0 to hide them
    image_height: integer value of image height or null if image dimensions is turned off
    image_width: integer value of image width or null if image dimensions is turned off
    post_id: ID of current post
    post_title: Post title for the image attribute
    image_name: Image file name


    add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_custom_post_avatar' );
    function my_custom_post_avatar( $content ){
        global $post;

        $current_avatar = gkl_get_postavatar( $post );
        $html_before = '<span class="alignleft">';
        $html_after = '</span>';
        // Display default image
        if( is_null( $current_avatar ) ) {
            $image_url = '';
            $alt_text = esc_attr(strip_tags($post->post_title) );
        } else {
            $image_url = $current_avatar['avatar_url'];
            $alt_text = $current_avatar['post_title'];
        $post_avatar_html = $html_before . '<img src="'. $image_url . '" alt="' . $alt_text . '" />'. $html_after;

        return $post_avatar_html;   

OVERRIDE HTML DISPLAY WITH template tag gkl_postavatar

If you want the post avatar to appear outside of the content, e.g. with the entry’s meta information, make use of the gkl_postavatar() template tag.

It takes four paramters:

    class: CSS class to use in the `<img>` tag. 
    before: HTML to appear before the image.    
    after: HTML to appear after the image.  
    do_what: Use `echo` to display the post avatar, `return` to pass it to a variable. Defaults to `echo`.

Example: In a template file:

    <div class="entry-meta">    
    <?php gkl_postavatar('', "<span class='alignleft'>", "<span>" );?>

    -- more template tags here --

Or you can make your own template tag function like in the example for “Override HTML display with custom content hook”, except you call the function directly in your template instead of hooking into the_content().

For Administration Screens

Add Post Avatar to Pages and Custom Post Types

Use the filter hook gklpa_allowed_post_types to add further post types that you want the Post Avatar selection to appear on.

It takes an array of post type slugs as a parameter.

    add_filter( 'gklpa_allowed_post_types', 'prefix_my_custom_post_types' );
    function prefix_my_custom_post_types( $current_post_types ){
        $current_post_types = array( 'post', 'page', 'review', 'event' );
        return $current_post_types;

Enable Image Selection for Folder Outside of WordPress Installation

By default, Post Avatar looks for your images folder in relation to your WordPress installation. If you want to move your folder elsewhere, use these pair of filter hooks: gklpa_image_url and gklpa_image_dir. They take a single parameter: Image folder url and absolute path to the image folder, respectively.

    add_filter( 'gklpa_image_url', 'prefix_change_folder_url' );
    function prefix_change_folder_url( $current_url ){
        return esc_url( '' );

    add_filter( 'gklpa_image_dir', 'prefix_change_folder_dir' );
    function prefix_change_folder_dir ){
        return '/user/public_html/images/';

Please visit the Post Avatar Page for details on customizing the avatar display.


Post Avatar is translation-ready and supports a number of languages. If you can’t find your language here, please consider contributing a language pack.

If you’re interested, please check out the “Codestyling Localization” plugin and for validating the “Poedit Editor”.

Send in your translations to

Thanks to the following for their language packs.

  • Belorussian (ru_RU) Fat Cower
  • Czech (cz_CZ) Lelkoun
  • Dutch (nl_NL) Jay August
  • French (fr_FR) Mathieu Haratyk
  • German (de_DE) Dominik Menke
  • Hindi (hi_IN_Hindi) Outshine Solutions
  • Irish (ga_IR) Ray S.
  • Italian (it_IT) Gianni Diurno
  • Polish (pl_PL) Meloniq
  • Romanian (ro_RO) Webhosting Geeks
  • Serbo-Croatian (sr_RS) Webhosting Hub
  • Spanish (es_ES) gogollack


  • Post Avatar meta box in the Post Editor.
  • Post Avatar settings page.


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