Post Category Advanced Post Category Advanced

Post Category Advanced

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  • Create relationships between post categories and tags.
    Example of a rule you can create: assign tags to a category, then when you create a post, if you select that category the tags will be automatically assigned to the post.

  • Option to apply the rules you create to all existent posts.

  • Option to automatically select parent category when selecting a sub-category in a post.

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

  • Create relationships between post categories and tags.
    Example of a rule you can create: assign tags to a category, then when you create a post, if you select that category the tags will be automatically assigned to the post.

  • Option to apply the rules you create to all existent posts.

  • Option to automatically select parent category when selecting a sub-category in a post.


  • Main and only screen for the plugin settings, options and rules management.


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