Post Categories Gallery Post Categories Gallery

Post Categories Gallery

Created by: Fides

Downloaded: 3k times

Post Category Gallery displays all non-empty post categories in a horizontal list, graphically displayed as buttons. The categories can be selected such that the posts shown below it are filtered. For each post, the featured image is displayed. The post thumbnails link to the posts themselves.

Download the plugin from my website , as well as the screenshots


  • Three different color schemes: brown, green and blue
  • Categories can be excluded or included
  • Configurable thumbnail size
  • Show category count or not
  • Re-uses the parameters from the standard wp_list_categories template for the categories list.
  • Caption of post shown above or below each featured image


  • Green color scheme. <code>/trunk/screenshot-1.png</code>
  • Blue color scheme. <code>/trunk/screenshot-2.png</code>
  • Brown color scheme. <code>/trunk/screenshot-3.png</code>


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