Post Meta Controls Post Meta Controls

Post Meta Controls

Created by: melonpan

Downloaded: 13k times


Register, Save, Modify and Get meta data in the Gutenberg editor.
Use this plugin to add meta data controls inside a sidebar in the editor of posts, pages or custom post types.
This is the list of controls available:

  • Buttons
  • Checkbox, Checkbox Multiple
  • Color, Color with Alpha
  • Custom text
  • Date Range, Date Single
  • Image, Image Multiple
  • Radio
  • Range, Range with Float number
  • Select
  • Text, Textarea

The plugin comes with different options to customize the Sidebars, Tabs, Panels and Setting controls.


Once the plugin is installed, you will need to include the plugin filter inside your plugin or theme to create a sidebar with it’s settings.
The new sidebar/s can be accessed in any post type where it was registered.
Modify the setting values with the controls inside the sidebar.
Use the plugin helpers (see Helpers to get the meta values section) to get the meta data in the front end.


  • Sidebar with different tabs, panels and controls


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