Post Status Notifier Lite Post Status Notifier Lite

Post Status Notifier Lite

Created by: Timo Reith

Downloaded: 47k times

Notify every WordPress post change!

You want to be notified when one of your contributors have submitted a new post for revision or an editor published one? Vice versa you want to notify your contributors when their posts got published?
This is just the beginning of what you can achieve with Post Status Notifier (PSN)!

It works with all kind of custom post types, supports all custom taxonomies like categories and tags other plugins are using. You can grab all these taxonomy values and custom fields attached to a post and use them as placeholders in your custom notification texts. PSN has a powerful conditional template syntax featuring many filters and functions to get the most out of the placeholders!

Define as many notification rules as you need with all kind of settings, like custom CC, BCC and FROM emails addresses. PSN is extensible! Build your custom module to implement a new notification service.

PSN works great with plugins like WP Job Manager (read more), (read more), Crowdfunding by Astoundify (read more) or Advanced Custom Fields, just to name a few. The possibilities are endless. Want to automate your publishing workflow with Buffer? No problem!

Plugin homepage:

Always up-to-date online documentation:



Get the Premium version for all features

  • Define custom notification rules
  • Support for posts, pages and all custom post types
  • Support for all post status values
  • Create custom email texts with support for many placeholders
  • Manipulate placeholders content with filters to completely adjust the output to your needs (uses the filters of the famous PHP template engine Twig / limited to one filter in the Lite version)
  • WordPress multisite compatible
  • Premium version: HTML emails / mail templates
  • Premium version: Mail queue / deferred sending
  • Premium version: Categories filter: Include or exclude categories (even from custom post types) from notifications
  • Premium version: Supports SMTP. You find all necessary SMTP settings to connect your SMTP server in the options section.
  • Premium version: Supports user roles (custom roles too) as email recipients
  • Premium version: Optional logging: Logs status changes based on your rules
  • Premium version: Dashboard widget showing the latest log entries (can be disabled)
  • Premium version: Import / Export of your notification rules
  • Premium version: Copy rules
  • Premium version: Conditional template syntax (Manual)
  • Premium version: Extensible (Manual)
  • Premium version: Custom sender e-mail. Define the notification sender (FROM) per rule or as a default in the options.
  • Premium version: Mandrill support
  • Premium version: Dynamic recipients
  • Premium version: Late execution to support frontend submission plugins as well as possible
  • Premium version: Rule trigger limitations
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Included translations: english, german
  • Support in english and german via Zendesk:
  • Tested on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Built on our WordPress Plugin Framework
  • The Lite version features two notification rules and one CC email

What customers say

“Great plugin, look through maybe 7 plugins until found this one and it is the best.”
– misolek

“just got the pro version and it’s working great, awesome plugin man and thanks for your excellent support”
– nomadone

“This plugin is very intuitive and works great. Very helpful support. Top notch!”
– Rick

“Thank you for your great support – the plugin works great now and has accomplished what 5 other commercial and free plugins couldn’t – to provide simple and configurable email notifications for WP status changes.”
– Jon

“just got the pro version and it’s working great, awesome plugin man and thanks for your excellent support”
– nomadone



Go to the new option page Post Status Notifier Lite. Here you can define custom notification rules.

Here you can find a detailed documentation:


If you find any bugs please use the comments on the plugin’s homepage. Please also contact me for feature requests and ideas how to improve this plugin. Any other reactions are welcome too of course.


  • Completely customizable notification rules
  • Just a few use cases
  • Overview some options panels (available in the premium version)
  • HTML email (available in the premium version)
  • Placeholders
  • Template syntax (available in the premium version)
  • Logger (available in the premium version)
  • PSN's selftester
  • Comprehensive documentation


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