Post Type Spotlight Post Type Spotlight

Post Type Spotlight

Created by: Linchpin & Jonathan Desrosiers

Downloaded: 11k times

The plugin displays a checkbox in the publish meta box to feature a post. The checkbox only appears on admin selected post types which can be selected in the Settings->Writing screen.

When a post is designated as featured:

  • It receives ‘featured’ and featured-{$posttype} classes via the post_class filter.
  • Shows featured posts as such in the post type’s admin screen
  • Assigns a post a hidden taxonomy term (featured) that can easily be queried.

Note: For the plugin to work on attachments, you must be using 3.5 or above. All other features will work on 3.1.0 and up.


  • The publish area with the featured toggle.
  • The featured list block
  • The settings page
  • Options on the edit screen
  • Markup example when using <code>post_class();</code>
  • Classic Editor Checkbox Toggle


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