Posts and Users Stats Posts and Users Stats

Posts and Users Stats

Created by: Patrick Robrecht

Downloaded: 10k times

Posts and Users Stats offers statistics about the content and the users of a WordPress installation:

  • Posts per Publication Date
  • Posts per Taxonomies, i. e. per category, per tag and per custom taxonomies
  • Posts per Author and Post Type
  • Posts per Status
  • Comments per Date
  • Comments per Author
  • Comments per Status
  • Users per Role
  • Users over Time

All statistics are available as a diagram and as a table (which can be exported as CSV).

After the installation you can find the statistics as subpages of Tools.


  • Posts per Publication Date
  • Posts per Taxonomies, i. e. per category, per tag and per custom taxonomies
  • Posts per Author and Post Type
  • Posts per Status
  • Comments per Date
  • Comments per Author
  • Comments per Status
  • Users per Role
  • Users over Time


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