Posts by GMT

Created by: Josh Larios

Downloaded: 844 times

Most people don’t need this plugin. Most wouldn’t notice a difference if they had it. All it does is change the default sort order of a WP_Query from posts.post_date to posts.post_date_gmt — that is, sort on the GMT timestamp of a post rather than the local time zone.

Who needs this? People who switch time zones frequently. People running a network installation of WordPress where they want to be able to aggregate posts from all their network blogs easily, and in the right order. I don’t know. I wrote it for, so their “most recent posts” sidebar would stop showing only posts from a few blogs in early time zones. If it works for you, great.

I have every hope that this plugin will be made obsolete by the default sort order being changed in the WordPress core. I can think of no good reason why comments are sorted by GMT but posts by local time.

For all I know, this plugin works with older versions than 3.0. I’ve only tested it with 3.2.1.



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