A simple plugin to enforce variety of checks before publishing any new post.Define minimum and maximum title length.
Make presence of a featured image compulsory.
Specify the minimum/maximum height and width for your featured images.
Bonus feature check for post slug to be in english.

Do you own a multi-author website,who keeps publishing posts with too small or too big title?
Or do you yourself keep forgetting to add featured image before clicking on that “publish” button?
Maybe people keep making posts on your website with featured images of such small resolution that they start looking blurry on your landing page?

This plugin will ensure that you can set custom conditions that need to be met before someone could publish a post.
If anyone clicks on the ‘publish’ button and one of the conditions are not met(For eg-if publish button is clicked without adding a featured image.) then the publish event will be intercepted,post will be saved as a draft instead and user will get an appropriate error showing what they did wrong and how they can correct their mistake before publishing.


  • Prepublish Checks Settings Page
  • Prepublish Checks failed on publishing - 1
  • Prepublish Checks failed on publishing - 2


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