The Presentations 2Go WordPress Plugin enables you to list multiple videos from your Presentations 2Go streaming video server. The plugin will use a specific Presentations 2Go group to find password restricted (and public) videos from the Presentations 2Go video server. Visitors of the WordPress site do not need to sign-in to the Presentations 2Go video server to watch the restricted multimedia content.

The single sign-on links to the video content can be time restricted to e.g. 1 hour or more, so visitors need to return to your WordPress page to be able to watch the videos at a later time.

Title, contributors, view-count and thumbnails are automatically retrieved and passed to the WordPress page for every video that meets your search query.

Content can be presented in three ways 1. Inline; a thumbnail of the video (and slide) with the title above and contributors and views below. Size can be set to small (25% content of the width), medium (50% content of the width) or large (100% content of the width); multiple results are placed below each other. 2. Thumbs; per video a thumbnail is presented; title + contributors are displayed on mouse-over. Below each thumbnail the views are placed. 3. Text; Title, contributors and views are listed in text only.


  • Settings form
  • Add content to WordPress page
  • An example of inline content
  • An example of thumbs content
  • An example of text based content


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