Pretty Contact

Created by: Nikita Korolev

Downloaded: 708 times

Use: for to add “pretty contact” link, you should use bbcode like [user type="%TYPE%" name="%NAME%"], where:

  • %TYPE% – is the type of social-network. Оther types: deviantart, dribbble, facebook, forrst, github, habrahabr, lastfm, mymail, myspace, rutube, twitter, vimeo, vk, youtube.
  • %NAME% – is a user name (identity) in a chosen network.

For developers: for to add a new social network in the list, you should edit JSON file which is called “rules.json” (plugin folder), in a certain way:

  • Value pairs "%network_name%":"%URL%" are hold there. You need to add a new couple in the file according to the JSON-standards.
  • You should put an icon of 16×16 sizes in the format png named %network_name%.png in the icon folder.

(%URL% is to consist of constant %UN%, which later will be changed to username)
For example, for to add a network with the name sky, which addresses on personal pages look like так, you need to add a pair "sky" : "" and a picture sky.png (see above)

Under Development are:

  • the form of automatic and semi-automatic addition to a new social network;
  • the promotion of the list of the networks;
  • the translation of plugin if interface to other programming languages
  • an addition of the button into editing program





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