Pretty Sidebar Categories Pretty Sidebar Categories

Pretty Sidebar Categories

Created by: GrandSlambert

Downloaded: 15k times

Display posts from selected taxonomies in your sidebars. Multiple formats including featured images are possible.


  • Display posts with additional options from any or all entries in a slected taxonomy in your sidebars.
  • Option to display on posts in the same categories as the current post on single post pages.
  • Fully templated – add more templates in your own theme and select them in your widgets. Includes four templates.
  • Creates two new image sizes for use in widgets – set the sizes on the options screen.
  • Use the category title or write your own title, even link the title to the category (if one selected).


This plugin includes the following translations. Translations listed with no translator were created by the plugin developer using Google Translate. If you can improve these, you can get your name listed here!

  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish


  • Sample list format
  • Sample display with left aligned image, date, and except.
  • Sample display with full width image, date, and excerpt.
  • The form for setting up your widgets.


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