Profile Pic Profile Pic

Profile Pic

Created by: Hannah Gray

Downloaded: 65k times

This plugin allows authors to add a picture to their profile and helps automate the process of displaying author profiles


  • Automatic setup – no template/code modification needed
  • Widget to display profile in the side bar – fully configurable
  • Easy profile display with shortcodes – within a page or post simply add [printprofile] to display your author profile and picture, or [printprofilepic] to display your profile picture
  • Optional template override setting will make author links go to the author’s profile
  • Work in tandem with Krischan Jodies’ Get Recent Comments plugin (ie. displays your profile pic next to your comments)
  • For multi-author blogs, administrators can edit (read: moderate) other authors’ pictures
  • For those old-school WordPress folks, the plugin supports a full set of template tags to enable template integration

Template Tags

(Note that the plug still supports legacy v.1 tags as well)

Template Tag 1:

Get Author Image Tag – makes a pretty <img> tag for author’s picture.

USAGE: profilepic_internal_imagetag(‘authorID’, ‘tags’, ‘display’)

FUNCTION: returns image for author wrapped in image tag, style accessable via id=”authorpic”


  • authorID: id number of author
  • tags: attributes to include in img tag (optional, defaults to no tags)
  • display: display results in html (ie. echo) or reuse in php? true or false (optional, defaults to true)


    profilepic_internal_imagetag($authid, 'align=left'); 

Result (ex.):

    <img src="" width=200 height=199 align=left  id="authorpic" />  

Template Tag 2:

Get Author Image Path – useful if you need to do something else with the path or url (link to it, stuff it into another function, make your own image tag, etc)

USAGE: profilepic_internal_picpath(‘authorID’, ‘display’, ‘type’)

FUNCTION: returns url or absolute path to author’s picture


  • authorID: id number of author
  • display: display results in html (ie. echo) or reuse in php? (optional, defaults to false)
  • type: specify what kind of path requested: ‘url’ or ‘absolute’ (optional, defaults to url)


    profilepic_internal_picpath($authid, true, 'absolute'); 

Result: /home/jdoe/public_html/blog/wp-content/uploads/authors/1.jpg

Template Tag 3:

Get Author’s Image’s Dimension – useful if you are making your own <img> tag, or a div container for the img

USAGE: profilepic_internal_fingerdimensions(‘path’, ‘dimension’, ‘display’)

FUNCTION: returns requested dimension of author’s picture


  • path: absolute path to author’s picture from server root’,
  • dimension: the dimension you want, can be either ‘height’ or width’
  • display: display results in html (ie. echo) or reuse in php? true or false


  1. to get picture width… (using profilepic_internal_picpath to get path to picture)


        profilepic_internal_fingerdimensions(profilepic_internal_picpath($authid, false, 'absolute'), 'width', true); 

    Result (Ex.): 200

  2. to get picture height… (using profilepic_internal_picpath to get path to picture)


        profilepic_internal_fingerdimensions(profilepic_internal_picpath($authid, false, 'absolute'), 'height', true); 

    Result (Ex.): 199

Template Tag 4:

Get Author’s Avatar – intended for use in the comments loop

USAGE: profilepic_internal_gravatar($authorID, $tags = ”)

FUNCTION: returns image tag if authorID is a registered user of your blog, false if author is not


  • authorID: id number of author
  • tags: attributes to include in img tag (optional, defaults to no tags)



    if (function_exists('profilepic_internal_gravatar')) { 
        $author_gravatar = profilepic_internal_gravatar($comment->user_id, "class='gravatar'"); 
    } else { 
        $author_gravatar = false;
    if ($author_gravatar != false) {
        echo $author_gravatar;

Result (Ex.):

    <img src="" width=80 height=80 class='gravatar' />


  • Sidebar widget
  • Author Profile
  • Widget Configuration
  • Plugin Options


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