Protect Version Controlled Updates Protect Version Controlled Updates

Protect Version Controlled Updates

Created by: Shiny 9 Web Design

Downloaded: 597 times

This plugin is built to be used on production servers which are version-controlled with Git. If plugins are updated directly on production, they can get out of sync with the repo, and later pushes to the server might “roll back” plugin updates which weren’t committed to the repo.

Users who try to update a plugin via the Plugins screen will get a modal window asking for confirmation. Admins can also block updates entirely, so users will still get the modal window but will only have a cancel button.

The modal title and modal content are admin-configurable through the options page.

Please understand, we’re not advocating not updating plugins. You should still update all the things with the quickness. Just do it in the repo and push the changes to the server.


  • The modal title and description are user-changable.  Note that both the plugins and themes are set to "warn."
  • The actual modal.  Note that there's a cancel button and an update button.
  • Setting both plugins and themes to "block."
  • The actual modal, now with only a cancel button.


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