PublishPress Statuses – Custom Post Status and Workflow PublishPress Statuses – Custom Post Status and Workflow

PublishPress Statuses – Custom Post Status and Workflow

Created by: PublishPress

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Have you ever wanted to label a WordPress post something other than “Draft” or “Pending Review”? The PublishPress Statuses plugin can help.

PublishPress Statuses allows you to create additional statuses for your posts. For example, you can add statuses such as “In Progress”, “Needs Work”, or “Rejected”. You can also control which users can move posts to each status.

Why Use PublishPress Statuses?

WordPress provides you with only two statuses for your post: “Draft” or “Pending Review”. This means that before your content is published it can only be labeled as “Draft” or “Pending Review”.

Those statuses are too limiting for many publishers. For example, what label should you use for content that is assigned to a writer? What label should you use for a post that needs work, or has been rejected? With the PublishPress Statuses plugin, you can add new statuses that accurately describe the stages of your publishing process.

There are two types of statuses:

  • Pre-Publication Statues: For posts that are unpublished.
  • Visibility Statuses: For posts that are published.

Pre-Publication Statuses

Go to the “Statuses” area in your WordPress site and you’ll six different statuses. This is the main workflow. Every post on your site must use this workflow. However, with PublishPress Statuses, you can move, rerrange and add to this workflow.

  • Draft: This is the WordPress default status and can not be modified.
  • Pitch: This is a new status. You can use this status to indicate the post is just an idea.
  • Assigned: This is a new status. You can use this status to show the post has been given to a writer.
  • In Progress: This is a new status. You can use this status to if the post is being worked on.
  • Approved: This is a new status. You can use this status to when the post has been accepted and it ready for publication.
  • Pending Review: This is a core WordPress status and can not be modified.

Click here to see how to create and use statuses.

In addition to the default workflow, PublishPress Statuses allows you to create alternate workflows. These statuses are for content that is not on a direct path to publication. Examples of these alternate workflows include “Deferred”, “Needs Work” and “Rejected”.

Custom Permissions for Pre-Published Statuses

PublishPress Statuses allows to decide which users can move content to which statuses. Go to “Statuses” then “Settings” and click the “Roles” tab. This allows you to choose which user roles can move a post to this status.

See how control access to statuses.

You can take this further and decide who assign, edit, and delete content in each status. This is possible if you also use the PublishPress Permissions Pro plugin.

Click here to see add advanced capabilities to statuses.

Visibility Statuses

Visibility Statuses allow you to control who can access published content on your WordPress site.

The PublishPress Statuses plugin integrates with the PublishPress Permissions Pro plugin. This integration allows you to create custom visibility statuses and control who can access the content on the front of your WordPress site.

We call this feature “Custom Visibility Statuses” because WordPress has three core visibility statuses:

  • Scheduled: This post is scheduled for future publication.
  • Published: This post is available to general public.
  • Private: This post is published for users logged in to your WordPress site.

Using PublishPress Statuses and PublishPress Permissions Pro together, you can add your own custom visiblity statuses.

Custom Permissions for Visibility Statuses

The PublishPress Statuses plugin integrates with the PublishPress Permissions Pro plugins and PublishPress Capabilities Pro plugins. These allow you to control capabilities for each visibility status. You can decide who can assign, read, edit and delete content in each status.

See how control access to visibility statuses.

You can take this further and decide who assign, edit, and delete content in each status. This is possible if you also use the PublishPress Permissions Pro plugin.

Join PublishPress and get the Pro plugins

The Pro versions of the PublishPress plugins are well worth your investment. The Pro versions have extra features and faster support. Click here to join PublishPress.

Join PublishPress and you’ll get access to these nine Pro plugins:

Together, these plugins are a suite of powerful publishing tools for WordPress. If you need to create a professional workflow in WordPress, with moderation, revisions, permissions and more… then you should try PublishPress.

Bug Reports

Bug reports for PublishPress Statuses are welcomed in our repository on GitHub. Please note that GitHub is not a support forum, and that issues that are not properly qualified as bugs will be closed.


  • Using PublishPress Statuses you can add custom workflow options that are available when editing posts. You can build one main workflow for your posts. This workflow will be available to your users on the post editing screen.
  • In addition to the default workflow, PublishPress Statuses allows you to create alternate workflows. These statuses are for content that is not on a direct path to publication. Examples of these alternate workflows include "Deferred", "Needs Work" and "Rejected".
  • PublishPress Statuses supports branches in your workflows. You can create parent and child statuses. This allows posts to move through the individual branch before returning to the main workflow.
  • PublishPress Statuses allows you to customize which roles can assign posts to each status. You can give a user role the ability to move a post to just a single statuses. Or you can give a user role full access to your whole workflow.
  • With the addition of the PublishPress Capabilities Pro plugin you can create highly custom permissions for each status. You can control who can set, edit, and delete posts in each status.


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