Purge Cloud Flare Purge Cloud Flare

Purge Cloud Flare

Created by: WebRangers

Downloaded: 4k times

It clears whole CloudFlare cache for desired domain.
Purge is done from WordPress admin panel or plugin’s page. Current version contains functionality which purges individual files by URL and clears CloudFlare cache after Save Post action.


  • Whenever you get error clearing the cache alert popup appears with CloudFlare Api response.
  • This version allows you to purge whole CF cache and specific files by their urs.
  • Clear cached files to force Cloudflare to fetch a fresh version of those files from your web server. You can purge files selectively or all at once.
  • Purging the cache may temporarily degrade performance for your website.


  • Plugin blank settings
  • Plugin settings filled with purge button
  • CloudFlare cache being cleared with API key setting unveiled
  • Error notification popup
  • Settings page with successful purge status
  • Purge individual files modal


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