qTop qTop


Created by: Konrad Haenel

Downloaded: 1k times

Displaying popular posts is always a good idea, but on multi-language blogs most of the usual plugins won’t work. This widget is here to help, using some less well know functions of the Popularity Contest plugin combined with the powerful qTranslate plugin. Now you will be able to display top-post in as much languages as you wish!

And it get’s better: with options to display excerpts and meta-information and built-in support for the “Advanced Excerpt”-plugin, you now have even more options to fine-tune your top-posts display.

!!! IMPORTANT: qTop requires Crowd Favorite’s “Popularity Contest”-plugin to work. !!!


qTop is an ever growing powerful widget to fine-tune the display of top posts/pages based on Alexander King’s “Popularity Contest” plugin. It supports String-filtering through qTranslate and the display of excertps and meta-information. Excerpt-display makes use of the “Advanced Excerpt” plugin if availabe.

  • results are sent through the qTranslate string-filter to allow multilanguage blogs to display correct post-titles
  • optional display of post meta-information (author nickname and post-date)
  • optional display of post excerpt
  • makes use of “Advanced Excerpt” plugin if available
  • option to exclude pages from results

What’s new in the latest versions?


  • new: added option to exclude pages from top-list
  • new: makes use of the “Advanced Excerpt” plugin if available, defaults to standard excerpt otherwise
  • changed: using akpc’s “get_popular_posts()” instead of “get_top_ranked_posts()” function now, allowing for much more fine-grained post/page selection in future releases


  • new: added option to display the post-excerpt (wrapped in a “div”-tag of the “qtop_excerpt” CSS-class)
  • changed: uses a sub-loop internally now to allow usage of template tags


  • <p>backend</p>
  • <p>example site integration</p>


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