Questionnaire Questionnaire


Created by: Hiroyoshi Kurohara(Microgadget,inc.)

Downloaded: 7k times

This plugin adds the ability to create the quetionnaire sheet.
You can create a questionnaire by adding a post of ‘questionnaire’ post-type.
The ‘questionnaire’ post-type has form editor to edit questionnaire form so that you can easily create the questionnaire sheet.
You can restrict the person who can answer the questionnaire to the users who has login account.
(This is default behavior)


  • 4 types of controls(Checkbox, Radiobutton, Dropdown, Textarea).
  • Private or Public questionnaire.
  • GUI for editing the questionnaire.
  • Summary chart.
  • Shortcode for posts or pages.
  • Timed questionnaire.
  • Various uniqueness control.
  • Selectable form styles.
  • Additional CSS can be applied to each questionnaire sheet.
  • E-Mail notification.
  • Image can be attached.
  • Dependency logic can be attached(Constraint feature).
  • Questionnaire Widget is now available(but only 1 questionnaire is diaplayable on a screen).
  • Page transition with(or without) based on answer values.
  • Tested on narrow screen.

Sample Movie

  1. Using Questionnaire plugin.

  2. Using constraint logic.

  3. Using page transition and widgets.

Other materials

  1. This project is using Icomoon icon fonts.

Additional Requirements

  1. To use this plugin, your WordPress should be running on PHP ver 5.3 or lator.


  • Create a questionnaire from the admin menu 'Questionnaire'.
  • Like a normal post, name your questionair, and write some description.
  • The 'Questionnaire Sheet' option has to be on to edit your questionnaire.
  • You can edit the questionnaire form on 'Form Designer'.
  • 'Form Sample' as preview.
  • 'Form Sample' as preview.
  • Shortcode can be inserted into any posts or pages.
  • Timed questionnaire is available.
  • Various 'Uniqueness' controlls for public questionnaire.
  • Apply additional styles.
  • Summary chart and answer list.
  • Summary chart and answer list.


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