Quick and Easy Testimonials Quick and Easy Testimonials

Quick and Easy Testimonials

Created by: InspiryThemes

Downloaded: 116k times

This plugin provides a quick and easy way to add testimonials to your site.


  • Easily add testimonial using custom post type ( This post type is not public to avoid detail page URLs mess ).
  • Display Testimonials in simple and center aligned style.
  • Testimonials text and links styles are inherited from currently active theme.
  • Translation Ready and comes with related pot and po files.
  • Works fine with RTL (Right to Left) languages as styles are center aligned. ( No special styles are included for RTL )
  • Compatible with Visual Composer Plugin


  • Display all testimonials. Shortcode [testimonials]
  • Display specific number of testimonials. Shortcode [testimonials count="3"]
  • Display only testimonials related to a category. Shortcode [testimonials filter="category-slug"]
  • Display single testimonial. Shortcode [testimonials id="123"]



  • Add Testimonial
  • List of testimonials on front end


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