Quick Drafts Access Quick Drafts Access

Quick Drafts Access

Created by: Scott Reilly

Downloaded: 17k times

By default in WordPress, accessing the drafts listing of any given post type (including posts and pages) in the admin requires multiple clicks. Then filtering the drafts listing by a particular user (generally to view only your drafts) additionally requires some non-obvious manual URL hacking.

This plugin allows you one click access to all drafts, as well as to just your drafts, of each post type via the main admin menu.

In addition, the plugin provides a count of the number of current drafts for that post type in the link (i.e. the link could read “All Drafts (3)” to indicate there are three drafts for that post type, and “My Drafts (1)” to indicate you only have one draft for that post type).

When the user is responsible for all of the drafts of a given post type (and the “My Drafts” link is not disabled via a hook) then only the “My Drafts” links will appear. It would be redundant to show both the “All Drafts” and “My Drafts” links in this situation. This behavior also ensures only one link is present for single-author blogs.

Also, the draft link(s) only appear for users who have the capability to edit posts of that post type.

The plugin hides the two types of draft links when no related drafts for that post type are present. See the Filters section for how to override this behavior. Filters are also provided to disable the plugin from ever showing the “All Drafts” or the “My Drafts” links.

On admin listings of only draft posts, this plugin also adds a dropdown above the table that allows for the listing to be filtered by the selected draft author. (Only users who actually have a draft post are included in the dropdown.)

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage

Developer Documentation

Developer documentation can be found in DEVELOPER-DOCS.md. That documentation covers the numerous hooks provided by the plugin. Those hooks are listed below to provide an overview of what’s available.

  • c2c_quick_drafts_access_post_types : Customize the list of post_types for which the draft links will be shown
  • c2c_quick_drafts_access_show_all_drafts_menu_link : Customize whether the ‘All Drafts’ link will appear at all for a post type.
  • c2c_quick_drafts_access_show_my_drafts_menu_link : Customize whether the ‘My Drafts’ link will appear at all for a post type.
  • c2c_quick_drafts_access_show_if_empty : Customize whether the ‘All Drafts’ and/or ‘My Drafts’ links will appear for a post type when that post type currently has no drafts.
  • c2c_quick_drafts_access_disable_filter_dropdown : removal of the ‘Drafts By’ dropdown from drafts post list table.


  • A screenshot of the main admin menu (with the menu expanded) showing the "All Drafts" and "My Drafts" link (with pending draft counts) for both posts (in the sidebar menu popup) and pages (in the expanded sidebar menu). Note that for pages, the "All Drafts" link is not shown because the current user is responsible for all of the current page drafts.
  • When viewing a listing of drafts, the plugin introduces a dropdown above the posts table that allows filtering the drafts by post author.


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