One of the best ways to ensure your comments are full of great content is to make sure visitors who have actually read your post are the ones responding. This also helps keeps your comments sections are free from harassment, cyberbullying, trolling, and other nastiness such as spam. This plugin lets you add a customized quiz to each post you want to protect.

  • You write the question(s) and choose the correct answer(s).
  • Readers who already correctly answered a post’s quiz won’t be quizzed before commenting a second time.
  • Boost civil discussion and positive contributions to your comment section.
  • Add an extra layer of anti-spam protection to the comments form of your posts.

Donations for this plugin make up a chunk of my income. If you continue to enjoy this plugin, please consider making a donation. 🙂 Thank you for your support!
Although this plugin is free software, grocery stores do not offer free food. If you like this plugin, please consider making a donation or contributing directly to Meitar’s Cyberbusking fund. Your support is appreciated!



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