Quizy Quizy


Created by: Jamel Zarga

Downloaded: 1k times

Quizy is in the 1st step of development, if you would like to contribute please refer to our Github repository.

  • Create Quizzes with (Quiz type, Duration (sec), max nbr questions)
  • Create questions and assign them to a picked Quiz (add answers, duration, image …)
  • A short code for every quiz

Template System

The Quizy template system is pretty similar to the Woocommerce template system :
If you need overwrite the Quizy template pages, you just need to copy the templates folder from the Quizy directory to your theme or child theme directory and rename it to quizy.


You should use [quizy id=1234] where 1234 is the quiz id to show.
Add the list=yes if you need to list all the quiz questions in one single page [quizy id=1234 list=yes ], otherwise the one question per screen mode will be the default mode for your current quiz.


Action Hooks
* do_action(‘quizy_before_questions‘, $quiz_post)
* do_action(‘quizy_before_question‘, $question)
* do_action(‘quizy_after_question‘, $question)
* do_action(‘quizy_after_questions‘, $quiz_post, $questions)

Filter Hooks
* apply_filters(‘quizy_locate_template‘, $template, $template_name, $template_path )
* apply_filters(‘quizy_stylesheet_url‘, QUIZY_PLUGIN_URL . ‘assets/style.css’)
* apply_filters(‘quizy_script_url‘, QUIZY_PLUGIN_URL . ‘assets/quizy.js’);


  • Quizzes list with shortcode
  • Questions list
  • Question example
  • Quizy general settings (Settings->Quizy)


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