Radio Station by netmix® – Manage and play your Show Schedule in WordPress! Radio Station by netmix® – Manage and play your Show Schedule in WordPress!

Radio Station by netmix® – Manage and play your Show Schedule in WordPress!

Created by: Tony Zeoli, Tony Hayes

Downloaded: 133k times

Live Demo | Documentation | Support | Upgrade to PRO!

This plugin can be downloaded for free without any paid subscription from the official WordPress repository.


Radio Station by netmix® is the most comprehensive WordPress plugin for broadcasters of all types, to manage your Show schedule and play your audio stream on a WordPress website. Thousands of broadcasters worldwide use Radio Station by netmix® to manage their schedules, showcase their shows, attach playlists, and feature broadcast teams.

Used by thousands of stations worldwide, Radio Station by netmix® is the most popular Radio Station plugin for WordPress and is used by broadcasters of all types.

Radio channels and television networks can use it to showcase their existing program schedule online, podcasters to announce upcoming episode drops, streamers to let their fans know of their next live webcast, social audio moderators to let their group know of the next meetup, and for other online curators to schedule content for their audience base.


At its core the plugin adds a Show custom post type, schedulable blocks of time that contain a description, a weekly shift repeater field, uploadable images and other meta information. This lets you easily and instantly display a full show Schedule on the front end of your site in one of three built-in schedule views. (It also supports adding Overrides for handling specific dates and times that can be fully or partially linked to existing shows.)

You can also create detailed track Playlists and associate them with a Show, or assign blog posts as Related Posts to a Show. Users can be given a plugin role of Host or Producer with edit privelages when assigned to a Show. Genre and Language taxonomies are available to group and filter your Shows. Automatic Pages are available for your Schedule and all plugin record lists.

PLUS we’ve built in a NEW Stream Player so that your audience can listen to your broadcast while navigating your site. You can also quickly display the Current Show, Upcoming Shows, Current Playlist, Radio Time and Show Lists. All are available for easily customizable display as Blocks, Widgets and/or Shortcodes!

Want more? Click here to find out about Radio Station PRO.


Radio Station by netmix® is the most feature-packed WordPress plugin for broadcasters today. With features that address both station and audience use cases, your team will be eager to add content your audience will find more engaging. The improved user experience provided by our plugin will help your station website increase visitor time spent on the site, which a critical metric your advertising partners will be keen to know.

Key Show Features:

  • Add Shows with Weekly Shifts
  • Automatic Shift Conflict Checker
  • Add Show Description and Images
  • Add Timeslot Overrides (linkable to Shows)
  • Assign Host and Producer user roles
  • Assign Genre and Language Terms
  • Assign Blog Related Posts to Shows
  • Add Playlists and Latest Audio to Shows
  • Show Page Content Layout Options
  • Display Station/Show Phone Number
  • Denote Encore Presentations (Repeats)

Key Station and Schedule Features:

  • 3 Schedule Layouts: Table, Tabs, List
  • Automatic Pages for Schedule and Archives
  • Full Schedule and Show Data API
  • Set Station Name and Logo Image
  • Set and Display Station Timezone
  • Set Main Station Language
  • Automatic Current Show Highlighting
  • Genres Highlighted by User Selection
  • Converts Show Times to Listener Timezone

Key Stream Player Features:

  • Works with virtually any Stream source
  • Compatible with Shoutcast, Icecast, Live365, and
  • 3 In-built Audio Scripts: Howler, Amplitude, jPlayer
  • 7 Streaming Formats Support: MP3, AAC/M4A, OGG, OGA, WebM, RTMPA, OPUS
  • Light and Dark Player Themes
  • 3 Default Player Button Styles
  • Added via Shortcode, Widget or Block


All of the following Shortcodes are available as classic Widgets, and as of version 2.5.0 they are also available as Blocks for the Gutenberg editor:

  • Stream Player
  • Show Schedule
  • Show Lists
  • Current Show
  • Upcoming Shows
  • Current Playlist
  • Radio Clock

Need the best for your channel? Further improvements and extra features can be found in Radio Station PRO.


We strongly believe in SEO and we’re confident that managing your Show schedule with Radio Station by netmix® will give your SEO a boost! Here’s why…

When it comes to SEO, there’s only one thing better than great content – and that’s great content that’s well organized! With Radio Station, your website is immediately optimized for search through the addition of the Shows custom post type, giving you the best natural placement for your Show description and content. On top of this, you benefit directly from the internal linking of Shows with Playlists, Related Posts, and Genre / Language taxonomies. (And in Radio Station PRO this is extended even further with profile pages for Hosts* and *Producers, and Episodes with Guest / Topic taxonomies!)

Combined this with a WordPress SEO plugin (such as All In One SEO Pack), this kind of keyword-rich organized content will boost your ranking in search results. You just need to make sure you add the content for all your Shows! netmix® founder Tony Zeoli had a strong working relationship with the founding team at All in One SEO and used it with Radio Station to boost client’s SEO even before taking this plugin over. We know how important SEO is to your channel – so your audience can find the Shows and related content they care about – yours!

SPECIAL BONUS! Once installed, broadcasters who power their station’s WordPress websites with Radio Station by netmix® may add their station listing to our Broadcasters Directory, making your schedule instantly available to a new audience, and giving you a free high-quality backlink from a legacy domain (originally registered in 1995!) ou can also receive a Featured Listing in the Directory by supporting the further development of the free, open-source version of this plugin via Patreon.


In the course of improving the free version, we’ve tracked a plethora of great features and developed them for inclusion in Radio Station PRO. The Pro version amps up your broadcast website with numerous additional Schedule Improvements such as extra schedule views, recurring timeslots, auto-refreshing widgets, and a visual schedule editor! It also gives you New Content Features like show Episodes and Ssegments, Topic and Guest taxonomies, and page builder modules!

PLUS, building on our jamming free Stream Player, we’ve created our own innovative page transition technology and then combined it with a purpose-built sticky Sitewide Player Bar, allowing your listeners to navigate while continuing to play your audio uninterrupted! This is a real game-changer for your listener’s online experience of your site. The Player Bar includes animated live track metadata, responsive display sections and extended color and button themes.

Click here to find out more about Radio Station PRO.


Radio Station PRO takes your broadcast website to the next level with a full rack of Scheduling Enhancements and Content Tools you can use to satisfy and impress your visitors! ALSO in Pro, we’ve added even more improvements to our Stream Player, including the ability to activate a Sitewide Player Bar with smooth page transitions, allowing your audience to browse your site content while listening to your audio stream playback uninterrupted!

Key Scheduling Features:
– Front End Visual Schedule Editor
– Additional Schedule Calendar and Grid Views
Multi-View Switching on Show Schedule
– Schedule Previous/Next Week Shifting
– Listener Timezone Selection Switching
Recurring Override Timeslots
– Show and Schedule Import/Export

Key Content Features:

  • Host and Producer Profile Pages
  • Easy Role Assignment Interface
  • Dynamic Auto-refresh Widgets
  • Show Episodes linked to Shows
  • Add Topic and Guest Terms to Episodes
  • Automatic Team Display for Show Pages
  • Social Network Icons (for Shows & Profiles)
  • Page Builder Modules (Elementor & Beaver Builder)
  • All Pro Settings added to Gutenberg Blocks

Key PRO Player Features:

  • Persistent Sitewide Player Bar
  • Single Page Application Fading Transitions
  • Station, Player/Track and Show Bar Sections
  • Responsive Display Section Navigation
  • Animated Track Metadata Display (via Stream)
  • 12 Extra Player Button Themes
  • Bar and Player Advanced Color Styling
  • Optional Popup Player Button
  • Player Page Builder Module (Elementor & Beaver Builder)
  • Pro Player Settings added to Player Block

Click here to Upgrade to Radio Station PRO.


As there is a lot you can do with Radio Station by netmix®, we’ve made an effort to provide complete Radio Station plugin Documentation. To get you going faster, you can find a Quickstart Guide there (as well as in the section below.) Documentation for PRO Features can be found within the existing documentation, as well as indexed separately here.

You can see some example displays from the plugin via the Screenshots section below, and full live examples for both Free and PRO features are available on the Radio Station Plugin Demo Site. If you are ready to upgrade or want to find out more about Radio Station PRO then Click Here.

For free version plugin Support, you can ask in the WordPress Plugin Support Forum. Please give 24-48 hours to answer support questions. Alternatively (and preferably) you can submit bugs, enhancement and feature requests directly to our Github Repository Issues. For PRO Support, please Submit a Support Ticket.


Once you have installed and activated the Radio Station plugin on your WordPress site, your WordPress Admin area will now have a new menu item titled Radio Station with submenu page items. Note if you have a specific question, you can check out the Frequently Asked Questions as you may find the answer there.

Firstly, you can visit the Plugin Settings screen to adjust the default Plugin Options to your liking. Here you can set your Radio Timezone and Language, along with your Streaming URL and Station Logo, as well as other global plugin settings. Also from this Settings page you can assign Automatic Pages and Views for your Program Schedule display and for other plugin post type archive displays. But first you will want to add some Shows to display in your Schedule!

To do this, click on Shows in the admin submenu, then on “Add a New Show” at the top. Give it a Shift timeslot and a description and then click Publish. Then view the Show page by clicking the Show Permalink under the show title. (Depending on your Theme, you may wish to adjust the Templates used.) You can also assign different Images to Shows.

Next, have a look at your Program Schedule page to see the Show displayed there also. Keep adding Shows until you have your Schedule filled in! You can also add schedule Overrides for specific date and time blocks only. For ease of use they can be fully or partially linked to an existing Show. You can further Manage your Shows and other Station data via the WordPress Admin area.

Now you may want to give some users on your site some plugin Roles. (Note that while the default interface in WordPress allows you to assign a single role to a user, it also supports multiple roles, but you need to add a plugin to get an interface for this.) Giving a user role of Host/DJ or Producer to a user will allow them to be assigned to a Show on the Show Edit Page and allow them to edit that Show. You can also assign the Show Editor role if you have someone who needs to edit all plugin post types without being a site Administator.

There are a number of Widgets you can add to your site via your Appearance -> Widgets admin submenu. These are also available as Shortcodes and Blocks. There are widgets for the Current Show or Playlist, and another to display Upcoming Shows. In this way you can also add a Stream Player, Radio Clock, Schedule View or Show List anywhere you like.

Radio Station has several in-built Data types. These include Custom Post Types for Shows, Schedule Overrides and Playlists. There are Taxonomies for Genres and Languages. You can override most data values and display output via custom Data Filters throughout the plugin. We have also incorporated a Data API in the plugin available via REST and/or WordPress Feeds, and this data is accessible in JSON format.

This plugin is under active development and we are continuously working to enhance the free version available on WordPress.Org, as well as creating new feature additions for Radio Station Pro. Check out the Roadmap if you are interested in seeing what is coming up next!


We are grateful to Nikki Blight for her contribution to creating and developing this plugin for as long as she could maintain the codebase. As of June 22, 2019, Radio Station is managed by Tony Zeoli with Tony Hayes as lead developer and other contributing committers to the project.

If you are a WordPress developer wanting to contribute to Radio Station, please join the team and follow plugin development on Github and submit Issues and Pull Requests there. You can see the current progress via the Projects tab, and the Roadmap here. Or if you would prefer to get involved even more substantially, please Contact Us via Email and let us know what you would like to do.


Love Radio Station and ready for more? As the free version develops, we have also been working hard to introduce new features to create a Professional version to “level up” the plugin to make your channel’s schedule and player even more useable and accessible for all your listeners!

Click here to learn more about Radio Station Pro.


  • Table Schedule View
  • Tabbed Schedule View
  • Show Page Layout
  • Playlist Page Layout
  • Current Show Widget
  • Show Archive List Shortcode
  • Admin Settings Panel
  • Show Conflict Display


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