Random Tweet Widget

Created by: WhileTrue

Downloaded: 5k times

This plugin displays a random post from a Twitter account in a sidebar widget.

The plugin is based on the Twitter API version 1.1 and requires you
to create a personal Twitter Application on the dev.twitter.com website.
Within your Application, Twitter provides two strings: the Consumer Key and the Consumer Secret.
You also need two other strings, the Access Token and the Access Token Secret, that you can get
following this guide.
Finally, enter all the Authorization string in the widget options box, along with your favorite display settings: your Twitter Widget is now ready and active!

You can use the same Authorization strings for several widgets and multiple websites.
Just remember to store them in a safe place!

Your PHP environment needs to have the CURL and OPENSSL extensions enabled.


For more informations: www.whiletrue.it

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