Read More Login Read More Login

Read More Login

Created by: Arild Hegvik

Downloaded: 6k times

This plugin puts a combined read more/login/registration form in your posts and pages. The visitors must log in or sign up to read more. Remaining text will be protected and hidden from non-logged in users. Visitors can sign up and log in from inside articles and don’t need to leave the page. Text fades out above the login form and will indicate more text can be read. This could increase conversion rate.

Live demo:

Main features

  • Creates login/register form inside articles on posts and pages
  • Visitors can log in from inside the articles, remaining text loads automatically
  • Text will fade close to login form, this indicate more text be to read
  • Easy access to register button to sign-up new visitors
  • The e-mail confirmation link sends the signed up user right back to the article
  • Works with both pages and posts
  • SEO friendly, Google search engines can read without login

Membership handling

  • Login/registration forms inside articles
  • Registration page
  • Login/logout page
  • Profile page
  • Password recovery page
  • E-mail confirmation
  • E-mail notifications for registered users and admin

Admin panels

  • Configurable forms and text messages
  • Configurable linking
  • Login/logout/register/password page redirect
  • E-mail customization
  • Registration status
  • Sign-up statistics

More info, live-demo, user guides, documentation, support:


  • Log-in forms can be put on any post and pages. User must log in or register to read more.
  • If the visitor press Register button, he will be asked for additional information to sign up. First name and last name are optional and configurable fields.
  • After the visitor has completed the registration an e-mail will be sent to conform the e-mail address. A link sent in the e-mail will bring the new user right back to same page to continue reading.
  • Plugin also provides membership handling like profile page.
  • Plugin also provides password change page.
  • If user has the forgotten the username or password, he can ask for e-mail with password reset link.
  • Plugin also provides separate login/logout pages.
  • Plugin also provides separate register pages. E-mail will be sent to confirm e-mail address.
  • Registration using the separate registration page. First name and last name are optional and configurable fields.
  • Admin page for form setup of texts and fields. The preview will show how it will look like.
  • Admin page for style, color and animation settings. The preview will show how it will look like.
  • Admin page for setting e-mail texts.
  • Admin page for setting up links to user handling pages.
  • Status pages with registration and password recovery status.
  • Statistics pages indicates sign-up rate.


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